Restful Web Services

Representational State Transfer (REST) is a web standards-based architecture utilizing the HTTP protocol for data communication. RESTful web services are a light weight, scalable, and maintainable way to allow web-based system-to-system communication, irrespective of the respective application platforms (interoperability).

RESTful web services use HTTP methods in combination with a Universal Resource Identifier (URI) to implement the REST architecture. For reference, a URL is a type of URI. This combination allows consumers to interact with application data via a set of controlled, stateless, and idempotent methods.

Oracle Fusion Cloud Warehouse Management has had REST API’s prior to update 18C, however they were not designed to provide fine grained access. These legacy API’s continue to be available. Once all the functionality provided by these API’s are incorporated into the newer APIs, the legacy ones will be retired with sufficient notice. The new APIs also adhere to RESTful practices better and simplify some of the data encoding requirements.

Note: Any APIs not documented in the “REST API Guide” or the “Integration API Guide” books are meant for internal use by Oracle and subject to change without notice. We do not recommend you use them, but if you do, it is at your own risk. Such APIs may change or be dropped at any time, either mid-release or with the next release.