Pack Full LPN

The Full LPN Packing API allows you to pack a full LPN. This API can be used for voice based picking, or invoked from other systems likes MHE or AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle) to pack the full LPN's .

API URL: Lookup by Filters


Parameters for Full LPN API

Name Required Type Default Value Description
facility_id Integer Facility context by id
facility_id__code string Facility context by code
company_id Integer Company context by id.
company_id_code string Company context by code.
oblpn_number C string

OBLPN which needs to be packed.

If OBLPN is not sent, then system will pack the OBLPN based on the IBLPN (Full LPN- Allocated) sent in the API

iblpn_number C string

If IBLPN is not sent, then system will consider allocated IBLPN w.r.t given OBLPN for packing.

If IBLPN is sent, and IBLPN is allocated for Full LPN then system will pack the corresponding OBLPN against the given IBLPN.

If IBLPN is sent, and IBLPN is not matching with allocated IBLPN then system will perform substitution (substitution will be handled through a seperate user story).

reason_code string Reason for short.
short_flg Boolean False

short_flg = false; Allocated quantity against OBLPN will be Packed.

short_flg= true; Allocated quantity against OBLPN will be shorted.

update_inventory_on_short_flg Boolean False Short source allocated inventory
mhe_system_code string MHE system. MHE System is not mandatory as the this API can be called from MHE systems or through externally developed packing screens or in future our VBCS option to perform full LPN picking

Request Level Flags

Name Required Type Default Description
async_flg Boolean True Run API asynchronously
sub_validate_batch_number_flg Boolean False

During substitution:

If True, batch number should be validated against allocated inventories batch number.

If False, batch number of should not be validated against allocated inventories batch number.

sub_validate_expiry_date_flg Boolean False

During substitution:

If True, expiry date should be validated against allocated inventories expiry date.

If False, expiry date should not be validated against allocated inventories expiry date.

sub_validate_po_number_flg Boolean False

During substitution:

If True, PO number should be validated against allocated LPN's PO number.

If False, PO number should be not validated against allocated LPN's PO number.

sub_validate_shipment_number_flg Boolean False

During substitution:

If True, shipment number should be validated against allocated LPN's shipment number.

If False, shipment number should not be validated against allocated LPN's shipment number.

Sample Request JSON:

    "async_flg": false,

    "pick_list": [{
        "facility_id__code": "FAC",
        "company_id": 1,
         "iblpn_number": "IBLPN0001",
        "oblpn_number": "OBLPN0001",
        "short_flg": false


Substitution Validation:

  • API should allow to substitute given IBLPN only when respective IBLPN's quantity is an exact match for initial allocated IBLPN.
  • Do not allow to perform substitution if the allocated Inbound LPN being substituted is reserved against an Order (Required LPN number populated).
  • Do not allow to perform substitution if the substituted LPN is allocated against an order and original allocated LPN is reserved for a different order.
  • During substitution, based on the required validations (Batch/ PO etc..) mentioned in the API, system should perform respective validations against the allocated LPN. Only when respective values are matching then only system should perform substitution and pack the OBLPN, when values are not matching then API should return error message "Substitution fails".
  • If the substituting IBLPN is not present in the system for given facility, then API should return error message "No Such IBLPN %IBLPN Number%".

Sample request JSON:

	"async_flg": false,
	"sub_validate_batch_number_flg": true,
	"sub_validate_expiry_date_flg": true,
	"sub_validate_po_number_flg": true,
	"sub_validate_shipment_number_flg": true,
	    "pick_list": [{
	        "facility_id__code": "FAC",
	        "company_id": 1,
	         "iblpn_number": "IBLPN0001",
	        "oblpn_number": "OBLPN0001",
	        "short_flg": false


If Short flag is set to True, then it should allow:

  • To short the inventory (Respective OBLPN).
  • To update the allocated inventory on short.
  • To send reason code for shorting.