Container, IBLPN, and OBLPN

The legacy API, “update_oblpn_dims”, has been deprecated in place of PATCH requests on three lgfapi entities: container, iblpn, and oblpn. This functionality provides a mechanism to update the container’s dimensional and weight fields. The functionality is the same for each entity. The only difference being that the “container” entity may be used to update both IBLPN and OBLPN’s. The other two entities are restricted to acting on only their given container type.

URL examples:

PATCH .../entity/container/{id}
PATCH .../entity/iblpn/{id}
PATCH .../entity/oblpn/{id}

Supported Fields

  • length
  • width
  • height
  • weight
  • volume

Supported Options

  • calc_volume_flg
    • Boolean (Default = False)
    • When true, the container’s volume will be calculated from the length, width, and height.
    • If the volume is explicitly provided in the “volume” field, this flag is ignored.

Additional Functionality

Updating the container’s weight and dimension fields may trigger some additional updates:

  • actual_weight_flg
    • This container flag will be set to true if the weight is updated.
  • lpn_type_id
    • Container value will be removed if any of length, width, or height is updated.

Request Body Example 1

Explicitly update all dim and weight values.


"fields": {

"length": “1.23”,

"width": “2.24”,

"height": “3.40”,

"weight": “19.25”,

“volume”: “9.37”



Request Body Example 2

Update only some dim values and request container’s volume be recalculated.


"fields": {

"length": “1.23”,

"width": “2.24”


"options": {

"calc_volume_flg": true



Special Note about JSON Decimal Values

When sending decimal values in a JSON request, it is recommended to send them wrapped in double quotes like a string value, as seen in the example above. This will prevent against any loss of precision as part of the lgfapi request.