Quality Check Approve

Quality Check Approv allows you to accept QC marked containers.

API URL: Lookup by ID:


No additional `parameters` data in the request body is required.

API URL:Lookup by Filters:


Category Name Required Type Description
parameters facility_id Integer Facility context by id
parameters facility_id__code string Facility context by code
parameters company_id Integer Company context by id
parameters company_id__code string Company context by code
parameters container_nbr X string IBLPN subjected to QC
Category Name Type Description
Options vendor_perf_code String Vendor performance code, users want to pass for the QC transaction
Options lock_code string Unallocatable lock code bring the QC rejected inventory within WMS
  • If facility and/or company are provided, set login context accordingly.
  • Only one of `facility_id` or `facility_id__code` may be provided.
  • Only one of `company_id` or `company_id__code` may be provided.
  • Lock code is an optional parameter. If users do not send the lock code, the rejected LPNs should get cancelled. If the lock code parameter is populated with a unallocatable lock code, the system should mark the LPN as received with QC status as QC Rejected. Users cannot provide allocatable lock codes to reject an IBLPN.

Bulk Reject URL


Request Body:

The QC reject transaction is meant for the IBLPN entity. Hence, the users are required to send the following parameters in the body.

    "parameters": { 
        "id__in": [1, 2, 3] 
    "options": { 
        "lock_code": "KHLOC01"
        "vendor_perf_code": "KHVND001",
        "commit_frequency": 1, 

The commit frequency is by default set to 0. If it is set to 0, the system should roll back on first error/ If the commit frequency is set to 1, the system should commit per object.

Additionally, users should be able to send either container ID or container number in the parameter body. Hence, if users are sending container IDs, they can send as "id_in": [40129, 20138]. If users are sending container number, they can send [KHLPN01, KHLPN02].


  • Lock code is an optional parameter. If users do not send the lock code, the rejected LPNs should get cancelled. If the lock code parameter is populated with a unallocatable lock code, the system should mark the LPN as received with QC status as QC Rejected.
  • The system should capture the following inventory histories;
    • IHT-74- QC rejected
    • IHT- 48- Shipment status changed
    • IHT- 22- Lock container before shipment verification
  • If the inventory in the QC marked IBLPN is serial tracked the IHT 74 should be broken based on the serial number if the Enable split by serial nbr flag is turned on.
  • Can perform the quality check from an external QC module without accessing the OCWMS platform.

API URL:Lookup by ID:


No additional `parameters` data in the request body is required.

API URL: Lookup by Filters
Category Name Required Type Description
parameters facility_id Integer Facility context by id
parameters facility_id__code string Facility context by code
parameters company_id Integer Company context by id
parameters company_id__code string Company context by code
parameters container_nbr X string IBLPN subjected to QC
Category Name Type Description
Options vendor_perf_code String Vendor performance code, users want to pass for the QC transaction
  • If facility and/or company are provided, set login context accordingly.
  • Only one of `facility_id` or `facility_id__code` may be provided.
  • Only one of `company_id` or `company_id__code` may be provided.
  • If more than one object is found, an error should be returned.

Bulk Approve URL


Request Body:

The QC accept transaction is meant for the IBLPN entity. Hence, the users are required to send the following parameters in the body.
   "parameters": { 
       "id__in": [1, 2, 3] 
   "options": { 
       "vendor_perf_code": "KHVND001",
       "commit_frequency": 0

The commit frequency is by default set to 0. If it is set to 0, the system should roll back on first error/ If the commit frequency is set to 1, the system should commit per object.

Additionally, users should be able to send either container ID or container number in the parameter body. Hence, if users are sending container IDs, they can send as "id_in": [40129, 20138]. If users are sending container number, they can send [KHLPN01, KHLPN02].


The system should proceed with the following updates after successful approval of the QC marked IBLPNS.

  • The LPN status should be received with QC status as QC approved
  • The system should capture the following inventory histories;
    • IHT-73- QC approved
    • IHT- 48- Shipment status changed**
  • If the inventory in the QC marked IBLPN is serial tracked the IHT 73 should be broken based on the serial number if the Enable split by serial nbr flag is turned on.
  • The Verification History view UI should create a record for the QC approval of the respective IBLPN-s.