Updating a Resource (PATCH)

Lgfapi allows you to update specific fields on a limited number of entity resources using an HTTP PATCH request. Only the desired changes are to be passed in the body of the request using the “fields” section (very similar to a create resource (POST) request). The requesting user must have the “lgfapi_update_access” permission and must be eligible for the facility/company context of the data being modified. Successful modification will additionally update the object’s “mod_ts” and “mod_user” fields.

The entities and fields that may be modified are limited at this time, with a few exceptions, to custom (“cust”) fields, where supported. These fields are for “pass through” data that generally has no functional significance.

Updates are restricted to a single object per request and the “id” of the target object is required as part of the resource URL.

The following is an example URL to update a sales order:

PATCH …/wms/lgfapi/v10/entity/order_hdr/123/