Release Task

The Release Task API allowd you to release a task which is in 'Held’ status. With this API, external systems can change one or more task statuses to ‘Ready’ from ‘Held’. These tasks can be executed by the assigned user without accessing the web UI. Users who have the Task/ Can hold/release task permission enabled should be able to put a task on ‘Held’ status.

The following are some ways for calling the Release Task API:

Using the Task ID:


Note: No additional parameters data in the request body is required.

Using the Task Number:


Category Name Required Type Description
parameters facility_id Integer Facility context by id
parameters facility_id__code string Facility context by code
parameters company_id Integer Company context by id
parameters company_id__code string Company context by code
parameters task_nbr X string Task which needs to be released
Note: The API body should include facility id/code, company id/code and task number.

Using the Bulk Task Release:


Note: The API body should have the task number list. Users can also provide the commit frequency as an option. The commit frequency is by default set to 0. If it is set to 0, the system should roll back on first error/ If the commit frequency is set to 1, the system will commit per object.

The bulk request API allows you to release task ids belonging to the same company in a given request. The API will not support a request containing task ids belonging to multiple companies.

Print Labels

You can print labels during Release Task using the task/release and task/bulk_release APIs.

  • By printing LPN labels when the task is being released, you can target printing labels for picking to specific printers
  • When you perform Release Task via the Task/Release API for tasks in Held status, the system should print labels configured in the Column Ordering Rule.

The following parameters are added in both task/release and task/bulk_release API:

Category Name Type Description
parameter label_printer_name string printer context by name
parameter document_printer_name string printer context by name
parameter column_ordering string column ordering context by description

Note: The system should return a success message when labels/doc are printed after tasks are released.

Using the Bulk Release Task


Request Body:

The transaction is meant for the task entity. Hence, the users are required to send the following parameters in the body.

   "parameters": { 
         "id__in": [01, 02, 03] 
   "options": { 
        "commit_frequency": "0",
Note: The API body should have the task number list. Users can also provide the commit frequency as an option. The commit frequency is by default set to 0. If it is set to 0, the system should roll back on first error/ If the commit frequency is set to 1, the system will commit per object.

The bulk request API allows you to release task ids belonging to the same company in a given request. The API will not support a request containing task ids belonging to multiple companies.