Wave Complete

The Wave Complete API replaces the legacy API when the action code is Complete. This is an indicator to inform WMS that all picks are completed for that wave, and there are no more picks outstanding.

Note: This is a new API meant to replace the existing legacy `close_lpn` API. The legacy API will eventually be retired so no further enhancements will be made to it. New functionality will instead be added to this API as part of the lgfapi suite.

This API supports features of the legacy API including the following new parameter:

  • async_flg - true/false; default true
    • When false:
      • Instead of submitting a celery task at the end for later processing, it should be immediately processed and a response returned.
      • On success, return a 204 - "No Content" HTTP response status with no response body.
      • When true: Return HTTP response status 202 - "Accepted" with no response body.
        • Signals that we received the request and it was successfully submitted for processing.

The Wave Complete API can be called using the following POST request:

POST ..lgfapi/v10/pick_pack/wave_complete/

The following table provides details about the query string parameters:

Name Required Type Default Description
facility_id Integer Facility context by id.
facility_id__code String Facility context by code.
company_id Integer Company context by id.
company_id___code String Company context by code.
wave_nbr X String Associated wave.
update_inventory_on_short_flg Boolean False Also short source inventory on pick short?
close_container_status String "packed" Final OBLPN status: "picked" or "packed".
reason_code String Reason for short.
mhe_system_code String MHE system.
async_flg Boolean True Run API asynchronously?

The following is an example JSON request:

 "facility_id__code": "FAC",
 "company_id": 1,
 "wave_nbr": "WAVE001",
 "update_inventory_on_short_flg": true,
 "async_flg" true