15.4 Access Oracle Data Transforms From Database Actions page

APPLIES TO: Applicable Data Transforms instance that is registered with Autonomous Database.

The Autonomous Database users can access the Oracle Data Transforms interface from the Data Tools tab present in Database Actions page, if the DB hosts the Oracle Data Transforms repository.

Follow the below steps to access Oracle Data Transforms:

  1. On the OCI console, click the Hamburger icon present on the top left corner.
  2. Click Autonomous Data Warehouse.

    You are navigated to Autonomous Databases in ODI Compartment page.

  3. Select the Autonomous Database used for creating the ODI repository (for example, ODIQAADW1).

    You are navigated to the respective Autonomous Database Details page.

  4. From the Autonomous Database Details page, click the Service Console tab.

    You are navigated to the Autonomous Data Warehouse page.

  5. From the left pane of the Autonomous Data Warehouse page, click Development.
  6. In this page, select SQL Developer Web.

    The Oracle Database Actions login page appears.

  7. In the Oracle Database Actions login page, in the respective Username and Password fields enter the login credentials of the Autonomous database user who is linked to the Oracle Data Transforms instance created earlier.
  8. After entering the login credentials, click Sign In.

    The Oracle Database Actions page appears.

  9. On the Oracle Database Actions page, click the Hamburger icon present on the top left corner.
  10. From the left pane click Data Tools and select Data Transforms.

    The Oracle Data Transforms login page appears. Upon successful login, Oracle Data Transforms page appears allowing you to perform all the data transformations.