10.1 Introduction to Workflows

A workflow is made up of multiple flows organized in a sequence in which they must be executed.

Each data flow is executed as a step. You can also add workflows, SQL queries, data loads, as well as variables as steps within a workflow. When you execute a workflow, a step either succeeds or fails. Depending on whether the first step succeeds or fails, you can choose the next step that must be executed.

Here is an example of a workflow:

Description of introduction-workflows.png follows
Description of the illustration introduction-workflows.png

In this example, the workflow performs the following actions:

  1. Execute the "Weekly FDA feed" data flow.
  2. If the "Weekly FDA feed" data flow execution is successful, execute the "Weekly CDC alerts" data flow.
  3. If the "Weekly CDC alerts" data flow execution is successful, execute the "Load Medicare" data flow.
  4. If any of the above data flow fails, then execute the "Audit_error_log" data flow.