3.4 Provision the Oracle Data Transforms Metadata Repository

The very first screen you will see after you access the Oracle Data Transforms URL is the Administration tab, which provides easy wizards that allow you to either create a new repository in an Autonomous Database to store your transformations, or connect to an existing Data Transforms repository.

To provision the Oracle Data Transforms Repository on an Autonomous Database you need to create dynamic groups and policies depending on the option you want to use. Refer to Create Dynamic Group and Policies for details.

Follow the below procedure to provision the Oracle Data Transforms metadata repository:

  1. On the Administration tab, select one of the following options:
    • Create a new Repository in an Autonomous Database
    • Connect to an existing Repository in an Autonomous Database

    The repo mode created during configuration is marked as Oracle Data Transforms mode.


    Oracle Data Integrator Repositories that you create during provisioning are mode specific. You cannot use a repository created in Oracle Data Transforms mode with a stack in ODI Studio mode and you cannot access a repository created in ODI Studio mode with a stack in Oracle Data Transforms mode.
  2. In the Autonomous Database Details page, do one of the following:
    • Select Use OCID and then enter the OCID of the autonomous database that you want to use to search for the compartment where the compute node will be built in the database.

      To use this option create a dynamic group to include the OCID of the compartment where the database instance is created, and then set up a policy to grant access to the dynamic group at the compartment level.

      If the database and instance are in different subcompartments you need to create a dynamic group to include the OCID of the compartment that contains the instance. You then need to define a policy that grants the dynamic group access to the compartment that contains the database.

    • Select Browse for Database and then do the following:
      1. Autonomous Database Compartment - Select the compartment where the compute node will be built in the database.
      2. Autonomous Database Instance - Select the created Autonomous Database instance from this drop down arrow.

      To use this option create a dynamic group to include the compartment IDs of all the compartments within the tenancy (root compartment) and then set up a policy to grant access to the dynamic group at the tenancy (root compartment) level.

    Refer to Create Dynamic Group and Policies for details about creating dynamic groups and policies for each option.

  3. When you select the required Autonomous Database instance, Data Transforms generates a default password to download the wallet to create a connection to that instance. If you need to specify a custom password that conforms to specific validation rules, select the Use custom wallet password check box, and enter the password in the Wallet Password field.
  4. Click Fetch Service Names to retrieve the services associated with the database and select a name from the drop-down.
  5. Provide the password credentials of the administrator user of the Autonomous Database in the Autonomous Database Admin Password textbox.

    The password that you provide should conform to the password validation rules of the CLOUD_VERIFY_FUNCTION, which is the default password verification function for Autonomous Database. For more information see, Manage Password Complexity on Autonomous Database.

  6. In the Schema Details page, enter the following:
    • Schema Prefix - Specify the prefix used for the Oracle Data Transforms Schemas to identify them.


      A valid prefix should contain only alpha-numeric characters. It should not start with a number and should not contain any special characters. A maximum of 12 characters are allowed.

      For existing repository, the Schema Prefix field is a drop down that lists the schema prefixes available based on the Autonomous Database Instance you selected in the Autonomous Database Details page.

    • Schema Password - Specify the password used for accessing the Oracle Data Transforms schema.


      The password that you provide should conform to the password validation rules of the CLOUD_VERIFY_FUNCTION, which is the default password verification function for Autonomous Database. For more information see, Manage Password Complexity on Autonomous Database.

      For existing repository, provide the password configured during repository creation. Note that the schema password expires in 180 days from the date when the repository was created. In such cases, provisioning fails when you try to connect to the existing repository. See Reset the Schema User Password for instructions on how to reset the schema password.

  7. In the Repository Details page, provide the ODI Supervisor password.


    The Supervisor password that you provide should:
    • contain alpha-numeric characters,
    • be 6-12 characters in length,
    • not start with a number,
    • not contain any special characters except $, # and _.
  8. Click Save. The final screen of the wizard displays all the processes that run to complete the configuration. This takes about 15 minutes. The screen auto-refreshes to display the status of each process. You can also click the Refresh icon to view the status of the configuration.
  9. Click Download Log File to download the configuration logs. The log files are downloaded in a zip file named provlogs.zip.
  10. When the configuration completes successfully, the Login to Data Transforms button is activated, which allows you to navigate to the Oracle Data Transforms login page.

If the configuration fails at any step you will not be able to see the login page. To see the status of the configuration, follow the instructions to connect the Data Transforms Instance as described in Connect to Oracle Data Transforms Instance. Check the transformsStartup.log file, fix the issues, and repeat these steps to provision the repository.

If you want to check the transformsStartup.log file without connecting to the instance, run the displayStartupLog command from the OCI Console using the compute instance run command feature. See Use the OCI Console to Run Commands in the Data Transforms Instance for detailed instructions.