6.1 Exporting Data

Use the dump utility of MySQL Shell to export a logical dump of the data from a MySQL instance. Connect to the MySQL instance containing the data you want to dump using MySQL Shell. You can dump all schemas in the instance, a selected schema, or selected tables and views.

Use either of the following dump utility:

  • util.dumpInstance(outputUrl[, options]): MySQL instance export utility that exports all compatible schemas to an Amazon S3 bucket, Object Storage bucket, or to local files. By default, this utility exports users, events, routines, and triggers. See Dump Utilities.
  • util.dumpSchemas(schemas, outputUrl[, options]): MySQL schema export utility that exports selected schemas to an Amazon S3 bucket, Object Storage bucket, or to local files.
  • util.dumpTables(schema, tables, outputUrl[, options]): MySQL table export utility that exports selected tables of a schema to an Amazon S3 bucket, Object Storage bucket, or to local files.

The source and destination MySQL instances can be in different MySQL versions.

The MySQL Shell dump utility performs compatibility checks and transformations to ensure the data can be later successfully imported and the potential data import issues can be identified and fixed as early as possible. See MySQL Server Compatibility.