This function exports the given application and optionally splits the application definition into multiple files. The optional p_with_% parameters can be used to include additional information in the export.


    p_application_id            IN NUMBER,
    p_type                      IN t_export_type      DEFAULT c_type_application_source,
    p_split                     IN BOOLEAN            DEFAULT FALSE,
    p_with_date                 IN BOOLEAN            DEFAULT FALSE,
    p_with_ir_public_reports    IN BOOLEAN            DEFAULT FALSE,
    p_with_ir_private_reports   IN BOOLEAN            DEFAULT FALSE,
    p_with_ir_notifications     IN BOOLEAN            DEFAULT FALSE,
    p_with_translations         IN BOOLEAN            DEFAULT FALSE,
    p_with_pkg_app_mapping      IN BOOLEAN            DEFAULT FALSE,
    p_with_original_ids         IN BOOLEAN            DEFAULT FALSE,
    p_with_no_subscriptions     IN BOOLEAN            DEFAULT FALSE,
    p_with_comments             IN BOOLEAN            DEFAULT FALSE,
    p_with_supporting_objects   IN VARCHAR2           DEFAULT NULL,
    p_with_acl_assignments      IN BOOLEAN            DEFAULT FALSE,  
    p_components                IN apex_t_varchar2  DEFAULT NULL )
    RETURN apex_t_export_files;


Table 23-1 GET_APPLICATION Parameters

Parameters Description
p_application_id The application ID.
p_split If true, split the definition into discrete elements that can be stored in separate files. If false, the result is a single file.
p_type Comma-delimited list of export types to perform:
  • APPLICATION_SOURCE: export an APEX application using other parameters passed.
  • EMBEDDED_CODE: Export code such as SQL, PL/SQL and Javascript. APEX ignores all other options when EMBEDDED_CODE is selected.
  • CHECKSUM-SH1: Export a SHA1 checksum that is independent of IDs and can be compared across instances and workspaces.
  • CHECKSUM-SH1: Export a SHA-256 checksum that is independent of IDs and can be compared across instances and workspaces.
  • READABLE_JSON: Export a readable version of the application meta-data in JSON format.
  • READABLE_YAML: Export a readable version of the application meta-data in YAML format.
p_with_date If true, include export date and time in the result.
p_with_public_reports If true, include public reports that a user saved.
p_with_private_reports If true, include private reports that a user saved.
p_with_notifications If true, include report notifications.
p_with_translations If true, include application translation mappings and all text from the translation repository.
p_with_pkg_app_mapping If true, export installed packaged applications with references to the packaged application definition. If false, export   them as normal applications.
p_with_original_ids If true, export with the IDs as they were when the application was imported.
p_with_no_subscriptions If false, components contain subscription references.
p_with_comments If true, include developer comments.
p_with_supporting_objects If Y, export supporting objects. If I, automatically install on import. If N, do not export supporting objects. If null, the application's include in export deployment value is used.
p_with_acl_assignments If true, export ACL user role assignments.
p_components If not null, export only given components (array elements should be of form type:name, for example,PAGE:42 or MESSAGE:12345).

See view APEX_APPL_EXPORT_COMPS for components that can be exported.


A table of apex_t_export_file. Unless the caller passes p_split=>true to the function, the result is a single file.


This sqlplus code fragment spools the definition of application 100 into file f100.sql.

variable name varchar2(255)
variable contents clob
   l_files apex_t_export_files;
   l_files := apex_export.get_application(p_application_id => 100);
   :name := l_files(1).name;
   :contents := l_files(1).contents;
set feed off echo off head off flush off termout off trimspool on
set long 100000000 longchunksize 32767
col name new_val name
select :name name from sys.dual;
spool &name.
print contents
spool off