4.34 SET_OFFSET Procedure

This procedure sets the offset value used during application import. Use the offset value to ensure that the metadata for the Oracle APEX application definition does not collide with other metadata on the instance. For a new application installation, it is usually sufficient to call the generate_offset procedure to have APEX generate this offset value for you.


    p_offset IN NUMBER);


Table 4-15 SET_OFFSET Parameters

Parameter Description
p_offset The offset value. The offset must be a positive integer. In most cases you do not need to specify the offset, and instead, call APEX_APPLICATION_INSTALL.GENERATE_OFFSET, which generates a large random value and then set it in the APEX_APPLICATION_INSTALL package.


The following example generates a random number from the database and uses this as the offset value in APEX_APPLICATION_INSTALL.

    l_offset number;
    l_offset := dbms_random.value(100000000000, 999999999999);
    apex_application_install.set_offset( p_offset => l_offset );