Generating Data from a Blueprint

Click the corresponding Generate Data button for the blueprint you want to populate with sample data. For valid tables, you can generate an exportable file or insert the data into corresponding tables in the workspace.


The Insert Into Database option overwrites existing data.
  1. Do one of the following:
    • On the Data Generator home page, click Generate Data for the chosen blueprint.
    • Open a blueprint in Blueprint Designer and click Generate Data.
    The Generate Blueprint Data dialog displays.
  2. For Action, select one of the following:
      1. File Export - Generates an object to download onto your local system.
      2. Output Format - Choose whether to export a JSON, CSV, or SQL file.


        For CSV, if there is only one table in the blueprint, this process generates one CSV file. If multiple tables exists, this process generates one ZIP file containing one CSV file per table inside.

      3. (Optional) Row Scaling - (Default 1x) Change this value to change the amount of generated data. For example, .25x generates a quarter of the provided rows; 100x generates one hundred times the number of provided rows.
      4. Click Generate Data.
      1. Insert Into Database - Inserts all generated data into matching tables in the schema.


        The Insert Into Database option overwrites existing data. Ensure you know table constraints and triggers that may prevent successful insert operations before inserting.
      2. Insert Method - Insert Into inserts one row at a time (if there are errors on this action, the row is discarded and the next insert attempts to run). Fast Insert Into inserts all rows at once (if the insert fails on a table, adds no records).
      3. (Optional) Row Scaling - (Default 1x) Change this value to change the amount of generated data. For example, .25x generates a quarter of the provided rows; 100x generates one hundred times the number of provided rows.
      4. Click Insert Data.