10.2.1 About Supported Calendars

App Builder supports two types of calendars: Calendar and Legacy Calendar.

Calendar is based on the FullCalendar jQuery library and can only be customized through CSS. Legacy Calendar is template-based and may be deprecated in the future release. Although Oracle still supports legacy components, the creation of new calendars is based on the FullCalendar jQuery library.


In previous releases Legacy Calendar was referred to as Calendar (Template), Classic calendar, Easy calendar, and SQL calendar).

You create a calendar based on a table or SQL query you provide. During the creation process, you are prompted to select a date column and display column. Because it offers a better user interface and numerous additional features, Oracle recommends converting all legacy calendars to the latest calendar.


The Calendar option supports:

  • Rendering calendar events on multiple views (Month, Week, Day, or List).
  • Rendering of duration and non-duration based events.
  • Ability to modify the start and end dates by dragging and dropping events on different dates. Drag and drop is only supported for local data sources, that is, database objects in the referenced database schema and not on external data sources such as a Google calendar.
  • Ability to change the duration by resizing the length of the events, by changing the end date.
  • Ability to Edit or Adding new events on calendar using forms by cllicking either on events or empty calendar cell.
  • Rendering events from external sources using web service calls or Google Calendar feeds.
  • Ability to render events titles on single or multiple lines.
  • Using different CSS classes, developer can choose different styles for different type of events.
  • Ability to download events in PDF printable format
  • Support of multiple formats for sharing events (iCal, CSV, XML).
  • Ability to add tooltip on Month/Week/Day views to make it easier for users to have a quick look at details of each event.

Legacy Calendar

Legacy Calendars option supports:

  • Rendering of start date only.
  • Look and feel defined by templates.
  • Modification of start date by dragging and dropping events.
  • Calendars that include daily, weekly, and monthly views.
  • The date column determines the days on the calendar which contains entries.
  • The display column defines a specific row which displays the calendar.