7.2.1 Page Designer Toolbar

The Page Designer toolbar displays at the top of the page and contains both buttons and menu options. Passing your cursor over an active button and menu displays a tooltip.


You can view an online summary of how to use Page Designer. To view a page in Page Designer, click the Help menu at the top of the page, and select Getting Started with Page Designer.

The Page Designer toolbar features the following buttons and menu options.

Page Selector

Page Selector

The Page Selector displays the current page. Click the down arrow (labeled Page Finder) to search for pages. Alternatively, enter a page number in the field and click Go. To navigate to the previous or next page, click Navigate to Next Page (up arrow) and Navigate to Previous Page (down arrow).

Show Messages

Show Messages

When you add a new component to a page, the Show Messages icon displays current errors and warnings. Clicking a message changes the focus within Property Editor to the corresponding attribute associated with the error or warning.

Page Unlocked and Page Locked

Page Unlocked

Indicates the lock status of a page. Page Unlocked indicates the current page is unlocked and editable. Page Locked indicates the page is unavailable for editing. The appearance of the padlock icon changes depending upon the lock status:

  • Clear unlocked padlock — Indicates the page is unlocked.
  • Red locked padlock — Indicates the page is locked by you.
  • Red locked padlock with person — Indicates the page is locked by another user. To view the lock owner or update the lock comment, click the red padlock.

Undo and Redo

Undo, Redo

Applies to actions that result in a change to the page data. Undo reverts the previous update you made within Page Designer. Redo reapplies the last update that was undone using Undo.



Features a graphical plus sign (+). Create menu options include:



Features a graphic of a wrench. Utilities menu options include:

Shared Components

Shared Components

Links to the Shared Components page. Shared components can display or be applied on any page within an application. See Managing Shared Components.

Save and Save and Run Page

Save, Save and Run Page

Click Save to save the current page. Click Save and Run Page to save and then run the current page. See Running a Page from Page Designer.