24.3.1 Understanding the Export and Import Process

Move a workspace, application, or related files by creating an export script file and then importing and installing it into another APEX instance.

The export process consists of following steps:

  1. Create the Export File.

    Exporting a workspace, application, page, or application components creates an export file. An export file is a readable script file with a .SQL extension.

    You can create export files using the Export pages available App Builder or from a command line.

  2. Import and Install the Export File.

    Import the export file into the target APEX instance and then install it. In App Builder, you can install an export file directly after importing or install it from the Export Repository. Alternataively, you can import and install from a command line. As a best practice, Oracle recommends importing an application first and then the related files.

About Exporting, Importing, and Installing from a Command Line

To export and import from a command line, Oracle recommends using Oracle SQL Developer Command Line (SQLcl) as described in Exporting and Importing Using SQLcl in Oracle APEX Administration Guide.