5.15.9 Using the Embedded Code Utility

Review all embedded code used in an APEX application on one page. Embedded code is defined as code (such as SQL, PL/SQL and JavaScript) entered in the App Builder but does not include code such as PL/SQL packages or JavaScript libraries that code may reference.

The Embedded Code Utility displays all embedded code from all pages in an application in an easy-to-use faceted search page. Using the Embedded Code Utility is ideal for tasks such as code reviews, security evaluations, and application turning where historically developers would need to click on every property in a page or Shared Component.

To access the Embedded Code Utility:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace home page.
  2. Click the App Builder icon.
  3. Select an application.

    The Application home page appears.

  4. Click Utilities.
  5. Click Embedded Code.
    The Embedded Code page appears. Note that large applications may take longer to display.

    The left region contains facets that enable you to filter the Search Results report. The values of the facets depend upon the embedded code in the application. The left region contains the following facet filters:

    • Language - Identifies the programming language of the embedded code. Currently, SQL, PL/SQL and JavaScript are supported.

      Only those languages that are included in the application appear. For example, if an application uses SQL and PL/SQL, but not JavaScript, then only the first two options will appear as filters. Selecting a filter refreshes the report and only displays the code that matches the languages selected.

    • Scope - Identifies where in the application the embedded code is used.

      Shared Component refers to any application component that is not part of a page such as application processes, authentication schemes, lists of values and so on. All other values refer to a specific page of an application. Selecting a page limits the results to only the embedded code for that page.

    • Component Type - Identifies the type of component that contains the embedded code.

      Only those component types that contain embedded code display in the filter. For example, a classic report that uses a SQL query results in a Region component type to be included. Similarly, if an application does not have any buttons, then a Button filter does not appear. Note that not all conditions require embedded code.

    A Search Results report displays in the right region and includes identifying information about the component as well as where the embedded code is used by the component. For example, a page item may have a Source query used to populate the item's value, and it can also have a Server-side Condition to determine if the item should be included on the page.

  6. Click Download to create a ZIP archive containing files for each of the components by language type.
    The directory hierarchy of the files is similar to what is created when you split export files into separate scripts. The difference is that all files will be located below the embedded_code directory as opposed to the application directory.