This function exports the given application and optionally splits the application definition into multiple files. The optional p_with_% parameters can be used to include additional information in the export.


    p_application_id            IN NUMBER,
    p_type                      IN t_export_type    DEFAULT c_type_application_source,
    p_split                     IN BOOLEAN          DEFAULT FALSE,
    p_with_date                 IN BOOLEAN          DEFAULT FALSE,
    p_with_ir_public_reports    IN BOOLEAN          DEFAULT FALSE,
    p_with_ir_private_reports   IN BOOLEAN          DEFAULT FALSE,
    p_with_ir_notifications     IN BOOLEAN          DEFAULT FALSE,
    p_with_translations         IN BOOLEAN          DEFAULT FALSE,
    p_with_pkg_app_mapping      IN BOOLEAN          DEFAULT FALSE,
    p_with_original_ids         IN BOOLEAN          DEFAULT FALSE,
    p_with_no_subscriptions     IN BOOLEAN          DEFAULT FALSE,
    p_with_comments             IN BOOLEAN          DEFAULT FALSE,
    p_with_supporting_objects   IN VARCHAR2         DEFAULT NULL,
    p_with_acl_assignments      IN BOOLEAN          DEFAULT FALSE,  
    p_components                IN apex_t_varchar2  DEFAULT NULL )
    RETURN apex_t_export_files;


Table 23-1 GET_APPLICATION Parameters

Parameters Description
p_application_id The application ID.
p_split If TRUE, splits the definition into discrete elements that can be stored in separate files. If FALSE, the result is a single file.

Comma-delimited list of export types to perform:

  • APPLICATION_SOURCE - export an APEX application using other parameters passed.
  • EMBEDDED_CODE - export code such as SQL, PL/SQL and JavaScript. APEX ignores all other options when EMBEDDED_CODE is selected.
  • CHECKSUM-SH1 - export a SHA1 checksum that is independent of IDs and can be compared across instances and workspaces.
  • CHECKSUM-SH256 - export a SHA-256 checksum that is independent of IDs and can be compared across instances and workspaces.
  • READABLE_JSON - export a readable version of the application metadata in JSON format.
  • READABLE_YAML - export a readable version of the application metadata in YAML format.
p_with_date If TRUE, includes export date and time in the result.
p_with_public_reports If TRUE, includes public reports that a user saved.
p_with_private_reports If TRUE, includes private reports that a user saved.
p_with_notifications If TRUE, includes report notifications.
p_with_translations If TRUE, includes application translation mappings and all text from the translation repository.
p_with_pkg_app_mapping If TRUE, exports installed packaged applications with references to the packaged application definition. If FALSE, exports them as normal applications.
p_with_original_ids If TRUE, exports with the IDs as they were when the application was imported.
p_with_no_subscriptions If FALSE, components contain subscription references.
p_with_comments If TRUE, includes developer comments.

If Y, exports supporting objects.

If I, installs on import automatically.

If N, does not export supporting objects.

If NULL, uses the application's include in export deployment value.

p_with_acl_assignments If TRUE, exports ACL user role assignments.
p_components If not NULL, exports only given components (array elements should be of form type:name, for example, PAGE:42 or MESSAGE:12345).

See view APEX_APPL_EXPORT_COMPS for components that can be exported.


A table of apex_t_export_file. Unless the caller passes p_split=>true to the function, the result is a single file.


This SQL*Plus code fragment spools the definition of application 100 into file f100.sql.

variable name varchar2(255)
variable contents clob
   l_files apex_t_export_files;
   l_files := apex_export.get_application(p_application_id => 100);
   :name := l_files(1).name;
   :contents := l_files(1).contents;
set feed off echo off head off flush off termout off trimspool on
set long 100000000 longchunksize 32767
col name new_val name
select :name name from sys.dual;
spool &name.
print contents
spool off