10.3.1 About Supported Charts

App Builder supports charts based on the Oracle JavaScript Extension Toolkit (Oracle JET) Data Visualizations.

Oracle JET empowers developers by providing a modular open source toolkit based on modern JavaScript, CSS3, and HTML5 design and development principles. The Oracle JET data visualization components include customizable charts, gauges, and other components that you can use to present flat or hierarchical data in a graphical display for data analysis. Each Oracle JET visualization supports animation, accessibility, responsive layout, internationalization, test automation, and a range of inter activity features. Charts provide dozens of different ways to visualize a data set.

See Also:

Work with Data Visualizations in JavaScript Extension Toolkit (JET) Developing Applications with Oracle JET.

Chart Creation Methods

You can create charts by running the Create Application Wizard, Create Page Wizard, or by adding a new chart manually to a page in Page Designer. The Create Page Wizard offers the most supported chart types. The following table summarizes various methods for creating charts.

Method Description To Learn More
Create Application Wizard, Chart Creates a page containing a chart. Supported chart types include:
  • Area
  • Bar
  • Line
  • Pie
Creating a Chart Using the Create Application Wizard
Create Application Wizard, Dashboard Creates a dashboard page with up to four charts. Supported chart types include:
  • Area
  • Bar
  • Line
  • Pie
Creating a Dashboard Page Using the Create Application Wizard
Create Page Wizard, Chart Creates a new page containing a chart. Supported chart types include:
  • Area
  • Bar
  • Box Plot
  • Bubble
  • Combination
  • Status Meter Gauge
  • Donut
  • Funnel
  • Gantt
  • Line
  • Line with Area
  • Pie
  • Polar
  • Pyramid
  • Radar
  • Scatter
  • Stock
See Adding a Chart Using the Create Page Wizard
Create Page Wizard, Dashboard Creates dashboard page. Choose from four different chart layouts which you can easily customize in Page Designer. Available chart layouts include:
  • Primary and 2 secondary charts
  • Grid of 4 charts
  • Primary and 3 secondary charts
  • Grid of 6 charts
Adding a New Page to an Application. See online Help when creating this page type.
Page Designer Add a new chart to an existing page in Page Designer. Adding a Chart in Page Designer

See Also:

Editing Charts