Supported Region Types

Learn about supported region types in Page Designer.

The region Type determines how a region is rendered at runtime. When creating a region manually, Page Designer supports the following region types:

  • Breadcrumb - Display the breadcrumb trail for the current page. See Creating Breadcrumbs.
  • Calendar - Display date based entries on a variety of calendar views. With the inclusion of an end date, the calendar can display duration based events. Calendars can also update records directly if Drag and Drop is enabled. See Creating Calendars.

  • Cards - Create a report based on a SQL Query that displays data as an orderly layout of information tiles. Developers choose between three layouts: Grid, Float, or Horizontal (Row). You can customize Header, Media, Body or Actions declaratively. See Managing Cards.

  • Chart - Displays data using various built-in chart types. See Creating Charts.

  • Classic Report - Create a simplified report based on a SQL Query. Classic reports are similar to interactive reports, but do not include the numerous end-user customization options available with interactive reports. See Managing Classic Reports.

  • Column Toggle Report - Displays a report where end users can select the columns to display at runtime. End users can then change the columns based on the width and orientation of the screen they are using to display the report. See Managing Classic Reports.

  • Dynamic Content - Displays the HTML content returned by a function.

  • Faceted Search - Displays and filters data using an intuitive experience users recognize from ecommerce sites (a left Search region and report region). Displays search results as cards or a classic report. See Managing Faceted Search.

  • Form - Form region which supports different data sources. This form region holds information on the data source (which can be local, remote or REST service) and has page items assigned to it. Each item is assigned to a form region and a display region. See Developing Forms.

  • Help Text - Displays a special Help region utilized on the dedicated Help page. See Creating Help for Your Application.

  • Interactive Grid - Presents data in a searchable, customizable report. Includes similar customization capabilities available in interactive reports plus the ability to rearrange the report interactively using the mouse or keyboard.

    Define a single interactive grid and have end users manipulate the data displayed to meet their specific requirements, rather than you needing to develop several, similar regions with different criteria to meet those same requirements.

    See Managing Interactive Grids.

  • Interactive Report - Comprehensive online report based on a SQL Query that provides end users with numerous features for customizing the report layout at run-time. You can control end-user capabilities by enabling or disabling the various report customization options.

    Define a single interactive report and have end users manipulate the data displayed to meet their specific reporting requirements, rather than you needing to develop several, similar reports with different criteria to meet those same requirements.

    See Managing Interactive Reports.

  • List - Displays values based on either a static or dynamic list. Generally these are used for navigating to pages in the application. See Creating Lists.

  • List View - Display data in an easy to navigate list. You can also incorporate numerous features to enhance the list view. See Creating a List View Report.

  • Map - Report based on a SQL query that displays coordinates data as a map. Supports point, lines, and polygon data. See Creating Maps.

  • Reflow Report - Display a responsive report which transforms from columns to rows to display reports on smaller browser (screen) sizes. See Creating a Reflow Report.

  • Region Display - Selector Display region names in a horizontal list, enabling end users to select one region to display and hide other regions. Only page regions with Region Display Selector set to Yes will display in this region.

  • Smart Filters - Features a single search field at the top of the page and a search results report (classic report, cards, map, or calendar). While a smart filter behaves similarly to faceted search, it features a more space efficient layout.. See Managing Smart Filters.

  • Static Content - Display text content or a region container for page items. To output HTML markup and not have the content escaped, set Output As to HTML.

  • Trees - Display data in a hierarchical structure, based on parent-child relationships between records. See Managing Trees.

  • URL - Display remote content sourced from a URL.


Depending on your application configuration, additional region type plug-ins available may display in your environment with the naming convention, <My Plug-in> [Plug-in].