13 Privacy Notice

This privacy notice describes what to expect when Oracle APEX directly collects information about users of applications that you create or install. Note that all APEX internal applications (such as Application Builder) are written in APEX, so the same facts apply to developers and administrators who are using these applications. Oracle is not responsible for information collection of applications that were developed by customers.

Event Logging

APEX provides extensive logging of user triggered events. For example, developers and administrators can use this data to find security and performance issues. The log data includes the user’s IP address and application username plus event specific information. Below is a brief list of event log types.

  •   Activity Log - Page views and Ajax requests. Can be disabled by developers and instance administrators.
  •   Login Access Log - Successful and failed login attempts.
  •   Debug Log - Application-specific instrumentation, such as internal variable values. Disabled by default, the debug log can be enabled by end users and developers.
  •   Click Count Log - Clicks on external links within applications.
  •   Web Service Activity Log - Requests to external web services from inside the database.
  •   Developer Activity Log - Changes to application components.
  •   SQL Workshop Log - History of SQL statements in the development environment's SQL Workshop.

Cookies and Related Technologies

APEX does not use any third-party cookies, but it does use functional cookies (no tracking) and the browser’s SessionStorage and LocalStorage for maintaining the login session and for personalization. This is essential for application security, performance, and ease of use. Below are details about the cookie and storage names that APEX uses and their intended use.

Session Cookies
  • ORA_WWV_USER_instance id - Security cookie for internal applications, like Application Builder.
  • ORA_WWV_APP_application id, ORA_WWV_APP_workspace cookie id, custom name - Security cookie for applications. Developers can choose custom cookie names in an application's authentication scheme.
  • ORA_WWV_RAC_INSTANCE - Session cookie for the Real Application Cluster (RAC) node instance number, for node pinning on the web server. Only sent when multiple RAC nodes are detected.
Persistent Cookies
  • ORA_WWV_REMEMBER_LANG - The user’s selected application language.
  • ORA_WWV_REMEMBER_UN - (Optional) Workspace and username of the previous login to the development environment login page. See check box Remember workspace and username on the development environment login page for details.
  • LOGIN_USERNAME_COOKIE - (Optional) Username of the previous login to developed applications. See check box Remember username on login pages of new applications for details. To make this cookie optional on login pages of existing applications, add a Remember username checkbox to the page. The API documentation for APEX_AUTHENTICATION.GET_LOGIN_USERNAME_COOKIE and APEX_AUTHENTICATION.SEND_LOGIN_USERNAME_COOKIE has examples for the PL/SQL process code to set the check box value and to only send the cookie when the check box is checked.

Session Storage
  • Spatial Map Region - Session storage keys used on the map component:
    • ORA_WWV_apex.spatialMap.application id.page.region id.zoomState - Stores the current zoom level on the map
    • ORA_WWV_apex.spatialMap.application id.page.region id.lngState - Stores the current longitude on map
    • ORA_WWV_apex.spatialMap.application id.page.region id.latState - Stores the current latitude on map
    • ORA_WWV_apex.spatialMap.application id.page.region id.bearingState - Stores the current tilt in degrees on the map
    • ORA_WWV_apex.spatialMap.application id.page.region id.pitchState - Stores current direction user is facing measured clockwise as an angle on the map
  • ORA_WWV_apex.facets.application id.page.region id.clientSideFiltering - Stores the facets where the user has enabled or disabled on client-side filtering.
  • ORA_WWV_apex.facets.application id.page.region id.hiddenFacets - Stores the facets where the user has set Visibility to Off.
  • ORA_WWV_apex.facets.application id.page.region id.chartConfig - Stores the configuration for the facet charts.
  • ORA_WWV_apex.facets.application id.page.region id.openCharts - Stores the facet charts that have been opened.
  • ORA_WWV_apex.facets.application id.page.region id.facetCollapsedState - Stores the facet-collapsible state.
  • ORA_WWV_apex.PopupLov_*.application id.page.state - This stores the popup dialog size, column widths, sort column, and direction of popup LOV items.
  • ORA_WWV_apex.builder.devToolbar.grid - This stores the current setting of the Development Toolbar’s Show Layout Columns option.
  • ORA_WWV_apex.builder.utr.application id.* - This stores settings of the Development Toolbar’s Theme Roller popup.
  • ORA_WWV_apex.builder.pageDesigner.application id.(current tab id) - This stores the current tab in each of the tab sets of Page Designer.
  • ORA_WWV_apex.core.userHasTouched - This is used to remember if the user has interacted with the application using touch (a touchstart event has been seen). It is used by some components to customize the user experience when using touch devices.
  • ORA_WWV_apex.apexTabs.application id.page.*.activeTab - This remembers the last tab selected for Region Display Selector regions or regions using the Tabs Container template that have enabled the option to save the current tab
  • ORA_WWV_apex.Calendar.application id.page.region id.lastview - This remembers the last viewed calendar period.
  • ORA_WWV_apex.toggleCore.*.application id.page.*.preferenceForExpanded - This remembers the expanded state for collapsible regions.
  • ORA_WWV_apex.MED_*.splitterPosition - This stores the splitter bar position for various Interactive Grid settings dialogs.
Local Storage
  • ORA_WWV_apex.builder.devToolbar.options - This stores the Developer Toolbar user preference settings: Auto Hide, Show Icons Only, and Display Position.
  • ORA_WWV_apex.builder.pageDesigner.model.componentIds - This stores a pool of not yet used IDs for new components in Page Designer.

Check for Updates

When developers log in to the APEX development environment, they get a notification when a new version is available. To get this version information, APEX sends a request to an oracle.com server on a bi-weekly basis. It passes anonymized, statistical information about the development server (such as database version and APEX component usage) that the APEX product development team uses to make decisions about the products’ future. This check is enabled by default, but can be disabled by instance administrators. To learn more, review the CHECK_FOR_UPDATES parameter in APEX_INSTANCE_ADMIN in Oracle APEX API Reference.