1 Changes in Release 23.1 for Oracle APEX Administration Guide

All content in Oracle APEX Administration Guide has been updated to reflect release 23.1 functionality.

New Features and Updates

  • Admin Digest

    Monitor the health of your Instances, Workspaces, and Schemas with daily metrics and trend charts, made available daily in the new Administrator Digest. View top Workspaces, Apps, and Users, investigate Workspace details, and monitor everything through a single Dashboard.

    See Viewing the Administrator Digest.

  • Auto Provisioning Restrictions

    Managing the creation of workspaces in an instance just got easier with a new UI that allows you to define and manage a block list of email patterns. Query a block list when auto-provisioning a workspace to restrict email addresses that match the pattern on the block list.

    See Configuring Service Signup Wizard Email Restrictions.

Deprecated and Desupported Features

See Deprecated Features and Desupported Features in Oracle APEX Release Notes.