35.9 SEND Function Signature 2

This function returns a mail ID after adding the mail to the mail queue of APEX. The mail ID can be used in a call to add_attachment to add attachments to an existing mail.

The mail is based on an email template where the placeholder values specified as JSON string are substituted.


    p_template_static_id    IN VARCHAR2,
    p_placeholders          IN CLOB,
    p_to                    IN VARCHAR2,
    p_cc                    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_bcc                   IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_from                  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_replyto               IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_application_id        IN NUMBER   DEFAULT apex_application.g_flow_id,
    p_language_override     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL );


Table 35-6 SEND Function Parameters

Parameter Description
p_template_static_id Static identifier string, used to identify the shared component email template.
p_placeholders JSON string representing the placeholder names along with the values, to be substituted.
p_to Valid email address to which the email is sent (required). For multiple email addresses, use a comma-separated list.
p_cc Valid email addresses to which the email is copied. For multiple email addresses, use a comma-separated list.
p_bcc Valid email addresses to which the email is blind copied. For multiple email addresses, use a comma-separated list.
p_from Email address from which the email is sent (required). This email address must be a valid address. Otherwise, the message is not sent.

Address of the Reply-To mail header. You can use this parameter as follows:

  • If you omit the p_replyto parameter, the Reply-To mail header is set to the value specified in the p_from parameter.
  • If you include the p_replyto parameter, but provide a NULL value, the Reply-To mail header is set to NULL. This results in the suppression of automatic email replies.
  • If you include p_replyto parameter, but provide a non-null value (for example, a valid email address), you send these messages, but the automatic replies go to the value specified (for example, the email address).
p_application_id Application ID where the email template is defined. Defaults to the current application (if called from within an application).
p_language_override Language of a translated template to use. Use a language code like "en", "fr" or "de-at" here. An application translation for this language must exist, otherwise the argument is ignored.


When calling the SEND function from outside the context of an APEX application (such as from a Database Scheduler job), you must specify the p_application_id parameter.


    l_mail_id number;
    l_mail_id := apex_mail.send (
        p_template_static_id => 'ORDER',
        p_placeholders       => '{ "ORDER_NUMBER": 5321, "ORDER_DATE": "01-Feb-2018", "ORDER_TOTAL": "$12,000" }',
        p_to                 => 'some_user@example.com' );

    apex_mail.add_attachment (
        p_mail_id    => l_mail_id,
        p_attachment => ... );