23.24 SET_CSV_PARAMETERS Procedure

This procedure sets parameters for the CSV function.


    p_enclosed_by     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_separated_by    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_escape_formulas IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT NULL );


Table 23-26 SET_CSV_PARAMETERS Parameters

Parameter Description
p_enclosed_by The string to enclose CSV values. If NULL (default), fall back to double quote.
p_separated_by The string to separate CSV values. If NULL (default), determine the separator by checking the NLS decimal separator. If that is comma ( , ) the CSV separator is semicolon ( ; ) otherwise it is comma ( , ).

Default TRUE, but can be overridden with instance parameter CSV_DOWNLOAD_ESCAPE_FORMULAS

If TRUE, escape formula cells by prepending them with a space. Formula cells can start with:
  • =
  • @
  • +
  • -

The sign characters are only escaped if they are not part of numbers.