6.43 SET_REMOTE_SERVER Procedure

This procedure sets the Base URL and the HTTPS Host attributes for remote servers for applications that are about to be installed. Remote Servers are identified by their Static ID.


    p_static_id        IN VARCHAR2,
    p_base_url         IN VARCHAR2,
    p_https_host       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_default_database IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_mysql_sql_modes  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_ords_timezone    IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL )


Parameter Description
p_static_id Static ID to reference the remote server object.
p_base_url New Base URL to use for this remote server object.
p_https_host New HTTPS Host Property to use for this remote server object. Only relevant when the base URL is https:// and the database version is 12.2 or greater.
p_default_database Default database to use when connecting. Currently only supported for MySQL databases.
p_mysql_sql_modes SQL modes to use when connecting to a MySQL database.


The following example sets the Base URL attribute of the remote server MY_REMOTE_SERVER for app 100.

    p_static_id => 'MY_REMOTE_SERVER',
    p_base_url => 'https://production.example.com' );