3.4.7 Toggling Stretch Column Widths in an Interactive Grid

Change the behavior of column widths in an interactive grid by toggling Stretch Column Widths in the Actions, Format submenu.

When Stretch Column Widths is toggled on, the interactive grid automatically takes up the width of your screen, even if you resize some of the columns to be smaller. When Stretch Column Widths is toggled off, the grid may be smaller than the width of your screen.

To change the behavior of interactive grid column widths:

  1. Click Actions and select Format.
    • If there is a checkmark next to Stretch Column Widths, it is toggled on, and the interactive grid automatically takes up the width of your screen.
    • If there is no checkmark next to Stretch Column Widths, it is toggled off, and the interactive grid may be smaller than the width of your screen.
  2. Select Stretch Column Widths to change the settings for column widths.
  3. Click Save.