5.4 Troubleshooting Tasks

Common questions and solutions for tasks.

Frequently Asked Questions for Tasks and the Approvals Component

Question Solution Responsible Person Further Reading
I have multiple tasks assigned to me, but when I click on a task, I don't see the approve or reject button. How can I complete the task? You must claim the task so that it is assigned to you before you can access the approve or reject buttons. Potential Owner
I accidentally claimed a task, but don't want to complete it. What can I do? You have two options:
  1. Delegate the task to someone else.
  2. Release the task so another potential owner can claim it.
Actual Owner
Someone assigned a task to me, but I can't find it in the Unified Task List. How do I find the task? You can use Smart Filters to search by keyword, due date, priority, and other information. Actual Owner
I can see a task in the Unified Task List, but when I click on the task, I get a "Your session has ended." error. How can I see the Task Details? This happens when the Unified Task List and the Task Details page are in different applications. An application developer can set up Session Sharing, which will let you view the Task Details. Application Developer
The application I'm using sends an email to the task initiator when the task is completed, but I don't receive emails. How do I fix this? APEX sends emails from the email queue every fifteen minutes. Wait fifteen minutes, and if the email still hasn't arrived, contact your application developer. User / Instance Administrator
The actual owner for a task has left the organization, and cannot complete the task. How can I reroute the task? The Business Administrator can delegate the task to another potential owner. Business Administrator
My task list no longer shows tasks that were completed last week. How do I view historical tasks? Tasks that are completed, canceled, or errored are automatically purged by APEX. The retention period is application-specific, and a report of purged tasks is available for the workspace administrator. Application Developer / Workspace Administrator
What actions can I take on a task? Task actions depend on the task state, and the role you have for the task. All