Adding and Deleting Tables and Columns

Use the context menu in the file tree of Blueprint Designer to add or remove tables and columns.

Tables and columns in the blueprint appear in a parent-child hierarchy in the file tree.


For the following procedures, you can also click the name of an object and then click the Rendering Menu icon at the top-right of the tree to display the same options.


Ensure you save your changes before exiting Blueprint Designer.

To add a table:

  1. In Blueprint Designer, right-click Tables near the top of the tree, below the name of the blueprint.
  2. Click Add Table.
    A new table object appears at the bottom of the tree.

To delete a table:

  1. Right-click the table.
  2. Select Delete Table.

To add a column:

  1. Right-click the table.
  2. Select Add Column.
    A new column appears at the bottom of the list of columns within the table.

To delete a column:

  1. Right-click the column.
  2. Select Delete Column.


Ensure you save your changes before exiting Blueprint Designer.

To save your changes:

  1. Click Save (top-right).
    A Blueprint Saved message displays.