16.4.1 About Lists of Values

A list of values is a static or dynamic definition used to display a specific type of page item.

A list of values can be static or dynamic. A static list of values is based on values the developer enters. A dynamic list of values is based on a local data source, REST Enabled SQL reference, or REST Data Source. A list of values can be referenced by page items such popup lists of values, a select list, a checkbox, a radio group, or multiple select lists.

Advantages of creating a list of values as a shared component include:

  • A list of values created as a shared component can be added to any page within an application.

  • All list of values definitions are stored in one location, making them easy to locate and update.

  • You can define lists of values on different data sources and make use of new functionality only included in Shared LOVs, for example multi-column support, icon and grouping columns.

Creating and using a named list of values at the application level, involves two steps:

  1. Navigate to Shared Components and run the Create List of Values Wizard and add it to the List of Values repository.
  2. In Page Designer, configure the page item attributes to display the item using the named list of values.