15.3.1 About Page Processes

A page process performs an action at a specified point during the rendering or submission of the page.

For example, you can create a page process to execute logic or to make a call to the APEX engine. A page process is a unit of logic that runs when a specific event occurs, such as loading or submitting a page.

From a functional perspective, there is no difference between page-level and application-level processes. The difference between these two process types is where the process is defined, that is at the page-level or at the application level.

You create a page process in Page Designer. In either the Rendering or Processing tab, locate the node where the process will occur, right-click, and select Create Process. The process Type determines what attributes you need to configure.

Supported Process Types


Depending on your application configuration, you may also have additional process type plug-ins. These display as <My Plug-in> [Plug-in].

Supported page process Types include:

  • Clear Session State - Process to clear session state stored within Oracle APEX.
  • Close Dialog - Process to close the current modal or non-modal dialog page.
  • Data Loading - Process to load data into the target table or collection based on the given data load definition.
  • Execute Code - Process to execute PL/SQL code.
  • Execution Chain - Execute a sequence of page processes, either in the foreground or in the background..
  • Form - Automatic Row Processing (DML) - Process to insert, update, or delete a form region row(s).
  • Form - Initialization - Process to initialize form region items. Initialization can either be fetching data from the region source, using the primary key value(s) or simple initialization of the form region items. Human Task - Create - Process to create a human task, using an existing task definition from the application.
  • Human Task - Create - Process to create a human task, using an existing task definition from the application.
  • Human Task - Manage - Process to manage a human task. The different types of task management are Approve, Reject, Claim, Release, Delegate, Forward, Cancel, Comment and Invite Participant.
  • Interactive Grid - Automatic Row Processing (DML) - Process to insert, update, or delete Interactive Grid rows.
  • Invoke API - Process to invoke a procedure or function stored in the local database, or an operation defined in a REST Data Source.
  • Reset Pagination - Process to reset pagination of reports on the current page.
  • Send E-Mail - Process to send an email, and optionally one or more attachments, from the application.
  • Send Push Notification - Sends a push notification to a user. All devices that the user subscribed to will receive the push notification.
  • User Preferences - Process to set User Preferences for the end user.
  • Web Service - Process to consume the specified Web service.