18.9 GET_PRINT_CONFIG Procedure

This function prepares the print config to style the data export.

  • The colors are specified using hexadecimal (hex) notation, RGB color codes, or HTML color names.
  • The alignment options include: Left, Center, Right
  • The font family options include: Helvetica, Times, Courier
  • The font weight options include: Normal, Bold


    p_units                       IN t_unit         DEFAULT c_unit_inches,
    p_paper_size                  IN t_size         DEFAULT c_size_letter,
    p_width_units                 IN t_width_unit   DEFAULT c_width_unit_percentage,
    p_width                       IN NUMBER         DEFAULT 11,
    p_height                      IN NUMBER         DEFAULT 8.5,
    p_orientation                 IN t_orientation  DEFAULT c_orientation_landscape,
    p_page_header                 IN VARCHAR2       DEFAULT NULL,
    p_page_header_font_color      IN t_color        DEFAULT '#000000',
    p_page_header_font_family     IN t_font_family  DEFAULT c_font_family_helvetica,
    p_page_header_font_weight     IN t_font_weight  DEFAULT c_font_weight_normal,
    p_page_header_font_size       IN NUMBER         DEFAULT 12,
    p_page_header_alignment       IN t_alignment    DEFAULT c_align_center,
    p_page_footer                 IN VARCHAR2       DEFAULT NULL,
    p_page_footer_font_color      IN t_color        DEFAULT '#000000',
    p_page_footer_font_family     IN t_font_family  DEFAULT c_font_family_helvetica,
    p_page_footer_font_weight     IN t_font_weight  DEFAULT c_font_weight_normal,
    p_page_footer_font_size       IN NUMBER         DEFAULT 12,
    p_page_footer_alignment       IN t_alignment    DEFAULT c_align_center,
    p_header_bg_color             IN t_color        DEFAULT '#EEEEEE',
    p_header_font_color           IN t_color        DEFAULT '#000000',
    p_header_font_family          IN t_font_family  DEFAULT c_font_family_helvetica,
    p_header_font_weight          IN t_font_weight  DEFAULT c_font_weight_bold,
    p_header_font_size            IN NUMBER         DEFAULT 10,
    p_body_bg_color               IN t_color        DEFAULT '#FFFFFF',
    p_body_font_color             IN t_color        DEFAULT '#000000',
    p_body_font_family            IN t_font_family  DEFAULT c_font_family_helvetica,
    p_body_font_weight            IN t_font_weight  DEFAULT c_font_weight_normal,
    p_body_font_size              IN NUMBER         DEFAULT 10,
    p_border_width                IN NUMBER         DEFAULT .5,
    p_border_color                IN t_color        DEFAULT '#666666' ) return t_print_config;


Parameter Description

Select the units used to specify page width and height.

Valid values are: Inches, Millimeters, Centimeters, Points


PDF only. Select the report page size. To type in your own page width and height, select Custom.

Available options include: Letter, Legal, Tabloid, A4, A3, Custom


PDF only. Select the units used to specify column widths.

Valid values are: Percentage, Points, Pixels

p_width PDF only. The width of the page.
p_height PDF only. The height of the page.

The orientation for the page. PDF only.

Available options include: Vertical (Portrait), Horizontal (Landscape)

p_page_header Text to appear in the header section of the document.
p_page_header_font_color The page header font color.
p_page_header_font_family The page header font family.
p_page_header_font_weight The page header font weight.
p_page_header_font_size The page header font size.
p_page_header_alignment The page header text aligment.
p_page_footer Text to appear in the footer section of the document.
p_page_footer_font_color The page footer font color.
p_page_footer_font_family The page footer font family.
p_page_footer_font_weight The page footer font weight.
p_page_footer_font_size The page footer font size.
p_page_footer_alignment The page footer text aligment.
p_header_bg_color The table header background color.
p_header_font_color The table header font color.
p_header_font_family The table header font family.
p_header_font_weight The table header font weight.
p_header_font_size The table header font size.
p_body_bg_color The table body background color.
p_body_font_color The table body font color.
p_body_font_family The table body font family.
p_body_font_weight The table body font weight.
p_body_font_size The table body font size.
p_border_width The width of the borders.
p_border_color The color of the borders.


The print config to style the data export.


    l_context         apex_exec.t_context; 
    l_print_config    apex_data_export.t_print_config;
    l_export          apex_data_export.t_export;
    l_context := apex_exec.open_query_context(
        p_location    => apex_exec.c_location_local_db,
        p_sql_query   => 'select * from emp' );

    l_print_config := apex_data_export.get_print_config(
        p_orientation     => apex_data_export.c_orientation_portrait,
        p_border_width    => 2 );

    l_export := apex_data_export.export (
        p_context         => l_context,
        p_print_config    => l_print_config,
        p_format          => apex_data_export.c_format_pdf );

    apex_exec.close( l_context );

    apex_data_export.download( p_export => l_export );

    when others THEN
        apex_exec.close( l_context );