30.7 CLEAR_REPORT Procedure Signature 2

This procedure clears report settings using report alias.


The use of this procedure in a page rendering process causes report download issues (CSV, HTML, Email, and so on). When a user downloads the report, the interactive report reloads the page with download format in the REQUEST value. Any interactive report settings changes (such as add filter or reset report) are done in partial page refresh. Thus, the download data may not match the report data user is seeing. For this reason, Oracle recommends only using this procedure in a page submit process.


    p_page_id      IN NUMBER,
    p_region_id    IN NUMBER,
    p_report_alias IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);


Table 30-6 CLEAR_REPORT Parameters

Parameter Description
p_page_id Page of the current Oracle APEX application that contains an interactive report.
p_region_id The interactive report region (ID).
p_report_alias The saved report alias within the current application page. If p_report_alias is NULL, it clears the last viewed report settings.


The following example shows how to use the CLEAR_REPORT procedure to clear interactive report settings with report alias of CATEGORY_REPORT in page 1, region 2505704029884282 of the current application.

        p_page_id      => 1,
        p_region_id    => 2505704029884282,
        p_report_alias => 'CATEGORY_REPORT');