41.17 GET_DATA2 Function Signature 1

This function executes the specified SQL query (optionally restricted by the provided search string) and returns the values for each column. All column values are returned along with their original data types. The search column is identified by providing a column number in the p_search_column_no parameter. This function takes into account character value comparison globalization attributes defines for the application.


    p_sql_statement     IN VARCHAR2,
    p_min_columns       IN NUMBER,
    p_max_columns       IN NUMBER,
    p_data_type_list    IN wwv_global.vc_arr2   DEFAULT c_empty_data_type_list,
    p_component_name    IN VARCHAR2,
    p_search_type       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 2,
    p_search_column_no  IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 2,
    p_search_string     IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_first_row         IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
    p_max_rows          IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL)
RETURN t_column_value_list2;


Table 41-20 GET_DATA2 Parameters

Parameter Description
p_sql_statement SQL statement used for the lookup.
p_min_columns Minimum number of return columns.
p_max_columns Maximum number of return columns.

If provided, checks to make sure the data type for each column matches the specified data type in the array. Use the constants c_data_type_* for available data types.

p_component_name In case an error is returned, this is the name of the page item or report column used to display the error message.
p_search_type Must be one of the following c_search_* constants:
  • c_search_contains_case
  • c_search_contains_ignore
  • c_search_exact_case
  • c_search_exact_ignore
p_search_column_no Number of the column used to restrict the SQL statement. Must be within the p_min_columns though p_max_columns range.
p_search_string Value used to restrict the query.
p_first_row Start query at the specified row. All rows before the specified row are skipped.
p_max_rows Maximum number of return rows allowed.


Table 41-21 GET_DATA2 Return

Return Description
t_column_value_list2 Table of t_column_values indexed by column number.

Example 1

In the following example, a simple item type plug-in rendering function executes the LOV defined for the page item and performs a case sensitive LIKE filtering with the current value of the page item. The result then generates as an HTML list. Here, the first column of the LOV SQL statement is checked if it is VARCHAR2 and the second is NUMBER.

function render_list (
    p_item                in apex_plugin.t_page_item,
    p_value               in varchar2,
    p_is_readonly         in boolean,
    p_is_printer_friendly in boolean )
    return apex_plugin.t_page_item_render_result
    l_data_type_list    apex_application_global.vc_arr2;
    l_column_value_list apex_plugin_util.t_column_value_list2;
    -- The first LOV column has to be a string and the second a number
    l_data_type_list(1) := apex_plugin_util.c_data_type_varchar2;
    l_data_type_list(2) := apex_plugin_util.c_data_type_number;
    l_column_value_list :=
        apex_plugin_util.get_data2 (
            p_sql_statement    => p_item.lov_definition,
            p_min_columns      => 2,
            p_max_columns      => 2,
            p_data_type_list   => l_data_type_list,
            p_component_name   => p_item.name,
            p_search_type      => apex_plugin_util.c_search_contains_case,
            p_search_column_no => 1,
            p_search_string    => p_value );
    FOR i in 1 .. l_column_value_list.count
            sys.htf.escape_sc(l_column_value_list(1).value_list(i).varchar2_value)|| -- display column
            sys.htf.escape_sc(l_column_value_list(2).value_list(i).number_value)|| -- return column
END render_list;

Example 2

In the following example, a simple region type plug-in rendering function executes the SQL query defined for the region. The result generates as an HTML list. This example demonstrates the advanced handling of object type columns like SDO_GEOMETRY.

function render (
    p_region in apex_plugin.t_region,
    p_plugin in apex_plugin.t_plugin,
    p_is_printer_friendly in boolean )
    return apex_plugin.t_region_render_result
    l_column_value_list apex_plugin_util.t_column_value_list2;
    l_geometry sdo_geometry;
    l_value varchar2(32767);
    l_dummy pls_integer;
    l_column_value_list :=
        apex_plugin_util.get_data2 (
            p_sql_statement => p_region.source,
            p_min_columns => 1,
            p_max_columns => null,
            p_component_name => p_region.name );
   FOR row in 1 .. l_column_value_list(1).value_list.count LOOP

       FOR col in 1 .. l_column_value_list.count LOOP
            IF l_column_value_list(col).data_type = 'SDO_GEOMETRY' THEN

               -- Object Type columns are always returned using ANYDATA and we have to
               -- use GETOBJECT to transform them back into the original object type
               l_dummy := l_column_value_list(col).value_list(row).anydata_value.getobject(
l_geometry );
               l_value := '( type=' || l_geometry.sdo_gtype || ' srid=' || l_geometry.sdo_srid ||
                          case when l_geometry.sdo_point is not null THEN
                               ',x=' || l_geometry.sdo_point.x ||
                               ',y=' || l_geometry.sdo_point.y ||
                               ',z=' || l_geometry.sdo_point.z
                          END ||
                          ' )';
                          l_value := apex_plugin_util.get_value_as_varchar2(
                                  p_data_type => l_column_value_list(col).data_type,
                                  p_value => l_column_value_list(col).value_list(row) );
               END IF;

               sys.htp.p( case when col > 1 then ' - ' END || l_value );
          END LOOP;
      END LOOP;

      RETURN null;