21.12 LOG_LONG_MESSAGE Procedure

This procedure emits debug messages from PL/SQL components of Oracle APEX, or PL/SQL procedures and functions.

This procedure is the same as LOG_MESSAGE, except it allows logging of much longer messages, which are subsequently split into 4,000 character chunks in the debugging output (because a single debug message is constrained to 4,000 characters).


As a best practice, Oracle recommends using shorter message APIs when possible (ERROR, WARN, and so on), and reserving LOG_LONG_MESSAGE for scenarios that require longer messages.


    p_message   IN VARCHAR2     DEFAULT NULL,
    p_enabled   IN BOOLEAN      DEFAULT FALSE,
    p_level     IN t_log_level  DEFAULT c_log_level_app_trace )


Table 21-6 APEX_DEBUG.LOG_LONG_MESSAGE Procedure Parameters

Parameter Description
p_message Log long message with maximum size of 32767 bytes.
p_enabled Set to TRUE to always log messages, irrespective of whether debugging is enabled. Set to FALSE to only log messages if debugging is enabled.
p_level Identifies the level of the long log message. See Constants.


This example shows how to enable debug message logging for 1 and 2 level messages and display a level 1 message that could contain anything up to 32767 characters. Note, the p_enabled parameter need not be specified, as debugging has been explicitly enabled and the default of FALSE for this parameter respects this enabling.

    l_msg VARCHAR2(32767) := 'Debug outputs anything up to varchar2 limit';
    APEX_DEBUG.ENABLE (p_level => 2);

        p_message => l_msg,
        p_level => 1 );