8.13 POST_LOGIN Procedure

This procedure authenticates the user in the current session. It runs a subset of APEX_AUTHENTICATION.LOGIN, without steps 1 and 2. For steps, see LOGIN Procedure. This procedure is useful in authentication schemes where user credentials checking is performed externally to Oracle APEX.


    p_username              IN VARCHAR2,
    p_password              IN VARCHAR2,
    p_uppercase_username    IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT TRUE );


Table 8-6 POST_LOGIN Parameters

Parameters Description
p_username The user's name.
p_password The user's password.
p_uppercase_username If TRUE then p_username is converted to uppercase.


This procedure call passes user credentials, username and password, to the authentication scheme to finalize the user's authentication.

apex_authentication.post_login('JOE USER', 'mysecret');

See Also:

LOGIN Procedure