10.4.5 Adding a Map Using the Create Page Wizard

Run the Create Page Wizard to create a new page with a map.

The Create Page Wizard supports spatial geometry objects based on a local table, SQL query, REST Enabled SQL Service, or REST Data Sources.

To create a map page by running the Create Page Wizard:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
  2. Select the application.
  3. Click Create Page.
    Create a Page appears and features three tabs: Component, Feature, and Legacy Pages.
  4. Under Component, select Map.
  5. Page Definition:
    1. Page Number - The page number is an integer value that identifies a page within an application.
    2. Name - Specify a text name for this page.


      This text is also used for page Title. After page creation, you can modify the Title in Page Designer.

    3. Page Mode - Identify the page mode. To learn more, see field-level Help.
  6. Data Source - Select a Data Source for the page:
    • Local Database - Data is sourced from the local database.
    • REST Enabled SQL Service - Data is sourced from a remote database, where the connection is defined using REST Enabled SQL. To create or maintain REST Enabled SQL references, navigate to Shared Components, REST Enabled SQL.
    • REST Data Source - Data is sourced from a RESTful web service defined using REST Data Sources. To create or maintain REST Data Sources, navigate to Shared Components, REST Data Sources.


    The steps that follow differ depending upon the selected Data Source. This task assumes the Data Source is Local Database.

  7. Source Type - Specify the source of the new page. Options include:
    1. Select a Source Type. Options include:
      • Table:
        • Table / View Owner - Select the owner of the table on which you are building the page.
        • Table/View Name - Select the table or view on which the page will be based.
      • SQL Query:
        • Enter a SQL SELECT statement - Enter the SQL query. To see an example, expand the SQL Query Example region.
  8. Navigation - Expand the region and enable or disable navigation. If either flag is enabled, additional attributes appear. To learn more about an attribute, see field-level Help.
    1. Use Breadcrumb - Enable to create a breadcrumb entry for this page. By default, the page name is used as breadcrumb entry name.
    2. Use Navigation - Enable to create a navigation menu entry for this page.By default, the page name is used as navigation menu name.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Map Style - Select the type of spatial geometry layer. Options include:
    • Points - Points (for example, customer or supplier locations) are display as markers. The marker shape and color is configurable.
    • Lines - Lines represent features such as roads or paths. The stroke style and color is configurable.
    • Polygons - Polygons represent areas like parcels, states, or countries. The style and color are configurable for stroke and fill.
    • Heat Map - Heat Maps are used to visualize the point density. The more points that are clustered together, the more intense the color becomes. Use this option to visualize the spatial distribution of population or incidents.
    • Extruded Polygons - Display as three-dimensional, extruded, objects. The height of the 3D object visualizes a column value.
  11. Map Attributes:
    1. Geometry Column Type - Select how spatial objects are sourced. Options include:
      • Geometry Column - Supported datatypes include SDO_GEOMETRY, VARCHAR2, or CLOB.

        Local databases and REST Data Sources support the SDO_GEOMETRY column type. However, REST Enabled SQL data sources do not support the SDO_GEOMETRY column type.

        VARCHAR2 and CLOB columns must contain geometry information in GeoJSON format.

      • Two Numeric Columns - This option only displays for Point and Heat Map layers. These columns must contain longitude and latitude values.
    2. What appears next depends upon the spatial objects (or geometries) and Geometry Type you select. Select the appropriate columns.
    3. Create a Faceted Search Page - Enable this option to create the map page as a Faceted Search page. The Faceted Search region will contain only a Search facet, other facets can be added later in Page Designer.
  12. Click Create Page.


To learn more about external data sources, see Managing REST Enabled SQL References and Managing REST Data Sources.