5.17.2 Application Utilities Page

Use the Application Utilities page to access the Application Dashboard, Advisor, Upgrade Application, Recently Updated Pages, Attribute Dictionary, Change History, Debug Messages, Oracle APEX Views, Export Repository, Manage Backups, and the Embedded Code Utility.

The following table describes the links on the Application Utilities page.

Link Description To Learn More
Application Dashboard View a summary of application components and attributes See: Viewing the Application Dashboard
Advisor Performs various checks on your application, including checks for programming errors, security issues, quality assurance, and other best practice See: Running Advisor to Check Application Integrity
Upgrade Application Upgrade the current application to a new release. Review components eligible for upgrading to include the latest features. See: Upgrading Oracle APEX Applications
Recently Updated Pages View a history of page updates made to this application. See Viewing the Recently Updated Pages Report
Attribute Dictionary Manage item and column user interface defaults for a selected page. See: Using the Attribute Dictionary
Change History View a report of component updates made in this application. See: Viewing the Change History Report
Debug Messages Review debug messages generated by this application. See: Debugging an Application
Oracle APEX Views Query various views against APEX metadata. See: Accessing APEX Views
Export Repository Manage Export Files in the Export Repository. See: Managing Export Files from the Export Repository
Manage Backups View and manage application backups in the current workspace. Backups provide a simple way to recover applications that may have been unexpectedly modified or deleted. See: Managing Application Backups
Embedded Code View all embedded code (such as SQL, PL/SQL and JavaScript) from all pages in an APEX application presented in easy-to-use faceted search page. See: Using the Embedded Code Utility
Page Specific Utilities

Page Specific Utilities display in a region on the right-side of the Utilities page.

Use the links in the Page Specific Utilities region to access Cross Page Utilities and Page Groups as well as access handy utilities for managing regions, buttons, items, computations, validations, process, dynamic actions, and branches.

Interactive Report Utilities

Interactive Report Utilities display below Page Specific Utilites on the right-side of the Utilities page.

Click Saved Reports to delete saved interactive reports in the current application. Click Subscriptions to manage interactive report subscriptions.

See: Using Interactive Report Utilities
Application Checksum View the application checksum to determine if the same application is deployed in different workspaces. See Viewing the Application Checksum
Font APEX Icons Search Font APEX icons and HTML markup. See Accessing Font APEX
Page Checksum View the page checksum to compare two application deployments and determine which pages are the same and which are different. See Viewing the Page Checksum