20.3 Creating a Workflow

Create a Workflow in Shared Components, Workflows and Automations.

This process is a high-level summary of the steps needed to create and activate a workflow.

To create a new workflow:

  1. Select an application.
  2. Navigate to the Workflows page:
    1. On the application home page, select Shared Components.
    2. Under Workflows and Automations, select Workflows.
  3. Click Create.
    The workflow definition opens.
  4. In the workflow tree, select the Workflow.
  5. Under Identification, specify the workflow Name.
    The workflow name displays in the workflow tree.
  6. Under Identification, specify the user-friendly workflow Title.
  7. Configure the workflow:
    1. Add Workflow Parameters by right-clicking the workflow and choosing Create Parameter.
      For more on creating parameters, see Creating a Workflow Parameter.
    2. Add Workflow Activities by right-clicking the workflow version and choosing Create Activity.
      For more on creating activities, including different methods of creating activities, see Creating a Workflow Activity.
    3. Add Workflow Variables by right-clicking the workflow version and choosing Create Variable.
      For more on creating workflow variables, see Creating a Workflow Variable.
    4. Add Workflow Participants by right-clicking the workflow version and selecting Create Participant.
      For more on adding participants, see Adding a Workflow Participant.
    5. Add Workflow Connections between activities by right-clicking the activity and selecting Create Connection.
      For more on creating connections, including different methods of creating workflow connections, see Adding a Workflow Connection.
  8. Click Save to save the workflow definition.
  9. Add the workflow to the application as a page process.
    For more on using workflows in page processes, see About Using Workflows in Page Processes.
  10. Activate the workflow by right-clicking the workflow version and selecting Activate.
    For more on workflow versions, see Saving and Activating a Workflow Version.