8.6.3 Creating Smart Filters Using the Create Application Wizard

Run the Create Application Wizard to create a new application that contains a smart filters page.

A smart filters page can include a classic report or a cards report. If you select classic report, you can also choose to include an update form.


If you are creating a smart filters page that displays as a report, clicking Include Form automatically creates a form page for creating or updating records. This option is not available in the Create Page Wizard.

To create an application that includes a smart filters search page:

  1. On the Workspace home page, click the App Builder icon.
  2. Click Create.

    The wizard prompts you to select a method of creating an application.

  3. Click Use Create App Wizard.

    The Create an Application page appears.

  4. Set Icon - Click Set Icon to select an application icon. The icon you select is used as the Favicon, the PWA icon, the Apple touch icon, and the App Builder icon.
  5. Name - Enter the name used to identify the application to developers.
  6. Appearance - Accept the default Theme Style and menu layout (Vita, Side Menu), or change it by clicking the Set Appearance icon adjacent to the Appearance field.
  7. Click Add Page and select Smart Filters.
  8. In the Add Smart Filters Page dialog:
    1. Page Name - Enter a name for this page.
    2. Set Icon - Select an icon to display in the navigation menu for this page.
    3. Select a report type: Report or Cards.
    4. Table - Select a table.
    5. What appears next depends upon whether you selected Report or Cards.
      • If Report - Select Include Form to include a form page for creating or updating records.
      • If Cards - Select the display: Grid, Float, and Horizontal (Row).

        Select the information to display on each card: Title Column, Body Column, Icon Initials Column, and Badge Column.

    6. Advanced - Expand Advanced to configure these options:
      • Set as Home Page - Enable this to make this page the home page for the application.

      • Page Help - Enter text to be displayed when the user selects Page Help.

    7. Click Add Page.
  9. Features - Select features to include with the application. Features provide application-level functionality and can only be added once per application. To learn more, click the Help icon adjacent to Features.
  10. Settings - Specify settings used to generate this application. To learn more about an attribute, click the Help icon adjacent to Settings.
  11. Click Create Application.