20.4 Creating the Workflow Console Page and Workflow Details Page

Create the workflow console page and workflow details page with the Create Page Wizard.

To create the Workflow Console and Details pages:

  1. Open the Create Page Wizard.
    1. On the Workspace home page, click App Builder.
    2. Select the application that needs a Workflow Console and Details page.
    3. On the Application home page, select Create Page.
      The Create Page Wizard appears
  2. Under Components, select Workflow Console.
  3. For Page Definition, set the following:
    1. Page Number - The integer value that identifies the workflow console page in the application.
    2. Name - Specify the page title for the workflow console page.
      After page creation, you can modify the name in Page Designer.
    3. Report Context - Select My Workflows, Admin Workflows, or Initiated by Me.
      My Workflows is for the workflow owners, Admin Workflows is for the workflow administrators, and Initiated by Me is for users who initiate workflows.
    4. Form Page Number - The integer value that identifies the workflow details page in the application.
    5. Form Page Name - Specify the page title for the workflow details page.
    6. Form Page Mode - Select Normal, Modal Dialog, or Drawer. See item-level Help for more details.
  4. Navigation - Expand the region and enable or disable navigation. If either flag is enabled, additional attributes appear. To learn more about an attribute, see field-level Help.
    1. Use Breadcrumb - Enable to create a breadcrumb entry for this page. By default, the page name is used as breadcrumb entry name.
    2. Use Navigation - Enable to create a navigation menu entry for this page.By default, the page name is used as navigation menu name.
  5. Select Create Page.
The Workflow Console opens in Page Designer. Navigate back to Page Designer to edit the Workflow Details page.