22.6 Translating Default Reports for Interactive Reports and Interactive Grids

Learn how developers can translate default reports for interactive reports and interactive grids.

Both interactive reports and interactive grids enable developers to save default reports. Developers can save Primary and Alternative default reports from both report regions. APEX supports the translation of these default reports saved by developers.


User saved reports (including public or private reports) are not translatable.

APEX supports the translation of the following report settings:

  • For both for interactive report and interactive grid default reports:
    • Report name and description
    • Filter name
    • Highlight name
    • Chart axis labels
  • Only interactive report default reports:
    • Computation label and format mask
    • Pivot Aggregate label and format mask
    • Group By function label and format mask
  • Only interactive grid default reports:
    • Report aggregate tooltip

To translate interactive report and interactive grid default reports:

  1. A developer saves the default reports in the application primary language.

  2. Translate the saved default reports using application translation process. Steps in translation process include:

    • Define Application Languages - Create a mapping which identifies the target primary and target application language.

      See Step 1: Define Application Languages.

    • Seed and Download to a Translation File - Seed the translation table and then export the translation text to a translation file. Seeding the translation copies all translatable text into the Translation Text repository. After you specify the language and seed the Translation Text, you generate and export an XLIFF file for translation.

      See Step 2: Seed and Download to a Translation File.

    • Translate the XLIFF File - Download the XLIFF files for translation or manually edit the translation repository.

      The XLIFF file includes default report translatable texts (such as report name, computation label, chart label, group by aggregate label, pivot aggregate label, and so on).

      See Step 3: Translate the XLIFF File.

    • Upload and Apply a Translated XLIFF Document - Upload XLIFF files with translated text and apply translations to the Translation Text repository.

      See Step 4: Upload and Apply a Translated XLIFF Document.

    • Publish the Application - Make the translated application available to users.

      Once the translation is published, the default reports and their settings are translated. A default report that does not have translation displays using the default Application Primary Language setting.

      See Step 5: Publish the Application.