24.6 ADD_TABLE Procedure

This procedure adds a destination table for the generated data.


    p_blueprint             IN VARCHAR2,
    p_sequence              IN PLS_INTEGER,
    p_table_name            IN VARCHAR2,
    p_preserve_case         IN VARCHAR2             DEFAULT 'N',
    p_display_name          IN VARCHAR2             DEFAULT NULL,
    p_singular_name         IN VARCHAR2             DEFAULT NULL,
    p_plural_name           IN VARCHAR2             DEFAULT NULL,
    p_rows                  IN NUMBER               DEFAULT 0,
    p_max_rows              IN NUMBER               DEFAULT NULL,
    p_use_existing_table    IN VARCHAR2             DEFAULT 'N',
    p_exclude_columns       IN wwv_flow_t_varchar2  DEFAULT c_empty_t_varchar2,
    p_table_id              OUT NUMBER )


Parameter Description
p_blueprint Identifier for the blueprint.
p_sequence 1 for first table, 2 for second, and so forth.
p_table_name Name of table that can exist or not exist.
p_preserve_case Defaults to N, which forces table name to uppercase. If Y, perserves casing of parameter.
p_display_name Friendly display name.
p_singular_name Singluar friendly name.
p_plural_name Plural friendly name.
p_rows Number of rows to generate for this table.
p_max_rows If null, then p_rows determines the number of rows, otherwise random rows between p_rows and p_max_rows are used when generating output.

If Y, uses the data dictionary to auto generate columns.

The automatic blueprint column creation supports the following data source mapping rules:

  • Foreign key data generation (populates the column with keys from the master table).
  • Inline data generation based on CHECK constraints (simple IN constructs are supported).
  • Mapping based on existing built-in tables (based on the table and column name).
  • Mapping based on the column name, data type, and length.
  • If the column is nullable, 5% of the values will be NULL.
p_exclude_columns String array (apex_t_varchar2) of column names to exclude from the automatic column generation.
p_table_id ID of the added table (OUT).


   l_table_id number;
                p_blueprint               => 'Cars',
                p_sequence                => 1,
                p_table_name              => 'my_cars',
                p_rows                    => '50',
                p_table_id                => l_table_id);

                p_blueprint               => 'Cars',
                p_sequence                => 1,
                p_table_name              => 'my_cars',
                p_rows                    => '50',
                p_use_existing_table      => 'Y',
                p_table_id                => l_table_id

                p_blueprint               => 'Cars',
                p_sequence                => 1,
                p_table_name              => 'my_cars',
                p_rows                    => '50',
                p_use_existing_table      => 'Y',
                p_exclude_columns         => apex_t_varchar2('CREATED_BY','CREATED_DATE'),
                p_table_id                => l_table_id