4.3 SCAN Procedure

This procedure generates the object dependency report.

It scans the application or a page in the application for all database objects that it depends on (including tables, views, procedures, functions, packages, and synonyms) whether these dependencies are in forms, reports, PL/SQL regions, conditions, plugins, or elsewhere.

The results are visible by querying the following views:

  • APEX_USED_DB_OBJECT_COMP_PROPS - all application SQL and PL/SQL found
  • APEX_USED_DB_OBJECTS - all database objects referred to
  • APEX_USED_DB_OBJ_DEPENDENCIES - all dependencies found

In the event that a fragment of SQL or PL/SQL is invalid (for example, a required object is missing), the dependencies are not detected. The compilation error message may be queried in the APEX_USED_DB_OBJECT_COMP_PROPS view.

The results of the scan are saved until:

  • a new scan initiates
  • apex_app_object_dependency.clear_cache is called
  • the Oracle APEX instance is upgraded


The scanner only detects dependencies specific to functions and procedures within packages compiled with PL/Scope. Before starting the scan, you may choose to compile the schema(s) of interest with PL/Scope:

alter session set plscope_settings='identifiers:all';
exec sys.dbms_utility.compile_schema(user, true);
alter session set plscope_settings='identifiers:none';

This may take some time to run depending on the size of the codebase.

For packages not compiled with PL/Scope, the scanner only detects a dependency on the package; but the report does not list each method referenced within it.


The application owner schema requires CREATE PROCEDURE privilege.

Known Limitations

  • Does not detect dependencies within SQL generated dynamically (such as using execute immediate or dbms_sql).
  • Does not detect recursive dependencies (such as other database objects referred to by the objects detected in the scan). Tip: Recursive dependencies may be found by querying the USER_DEPENDENCIES database view.
  • Does not detect dependencies in Supporting Object scripts, including those that may arise in required object names, install scripts, upgrade scripts, or deinstall scripts.
  • Does not detect dependencies arising from functions returning SQL (such as the function is not executed so the SQL it generates is not scanned for dependencies).
  • Does not yet always detect dependencies in a report column based on a SQL expression.
  • Does not yet detect dependencies arising from REST Service queries (#APEX$SOURCE_DATA#).
  • Does not yet detect dependencies arising from Data Profile SQL expressions.


    p_application_id IN NUMBER,
    p_page_id        IN NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
    p_options        IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT c_option_all )


Parameter Description
p_application_id ID of the application to be analyzed.
p_page_id Set this parameter to analyze a single page of an application.

Options include:

  • c_option_all - (Default) Scan all sources.
  • c_option_dependencies - Only scan for top-level dependencies with dba_dependencies.
  • c_option_identifiers - Scan for detailed dependencies with PL/Scope where available. This enables detection of dependencies on columns in tables and views, and also member functions and procedures within packages compiled with identifiers:all.
  • c_option_errors - Scan neither (report compilation errors only).


    apex_app_object_dependency.scan ( p_application_id => :app_id );