19.1 Global Constants

The APEX_DATA_EXPORT package uses the following constants.

Export Format Constants

Constants used in the EXPORT function. The c_format_pxml and c_format_pjson formats are optimized for printing.

c_format_csv                    constant t_format               := 'CSV';
c_format_html                   constant t_format               := 'HTML';
c_format_pdf                    constant t_format               := 'PDF';
c_format_xlsx                   constant t_format               := 'XLSX';
c_format_xml                    constant t_format               := 'XML';
c_format_pxml                   constant t_format               := 'PXML';
c_format_json                   constant t_format               := 'JSON';
c_format_pjson                  constant t_format               := 'PJSON';

Alignment Constants

Constants used in the ADD_COLUMN, ADD_COLUMN_GROUP, and GET_PRINT_CONFIG methods.

c_align_start                   constant t_alignment            := 'LEFT';
c_align_center                  constant t_alignment            := 'CENTER';
c_align_end                     constant t_alignment            := 'RIGHT';

Content Disposition Constants

Constants used in the DOWNLOAD procedure.

c_attachment                    constant t_content_disposition  := 'attachment';
c_inline                        constant t_content_disposition  := 'inline';

Size Unit Constants

Constants used in the GET_PRINT_CONFIG function.

c_unit_inches                   constant t_unit                 := 'INCHES';
c_unit_millimeters              constant t_unit                 := 'MILLIMETERS';
c_unit_centimeters              constant t_unit                 := 'CENTIMETERS';
c_unit_points                   constant t_unit                 := 'POINTS';

Predefined Size Constants

Constants used in the GET_PRINT_CONFIG function.

c_size_letter                   constant t_size                 := 'LETTER';
c_size_legal                    constant t_size                 := 'LEGAL';
c_size_tabloid                  constant t_size                 := 'TABLOID';
c_size_A4                       constant t_size                 := 'A4';
c_size_A3                       constant t_size                 := 'A3';
c_size_custom                   constant t_size                 := 'CUSTOM';

Column Width Unit Constants

Constants used in the GET_PRINT_CONFIG function.

c_width_unit_percentage         constant t_width_unit           := 'PERCENTAGE';
c_width_unit_points             constant t_width_unit           := 'POINTS';
c_width_unit_pixels             constant t_width_unit           := 'PIXELS';

Page Orientation Constants

Constants used in the GET_PRINT_CONFIG function.

c_orientation_portrait          constant t_orientation          := 'VERTICAL';
c_orientation_landscape         constant t_orientation          := 'HORIZONTAL';

Font Family Constants

Constants used in the GET_PRINT_CONFIG function.

c_font_family_helvetica         constant t_font_family          := 'Helvetica';
c_font_family_times             constant t_font_family          := 'Times';
c_font_family_courier           constant t_font_family          := 'Courier';

Font Weight Constants

Constants used in the GET_PRINT_CONFIG function.

c_font_weight_normal            constant t_font_weight          := 'normal';
c_font_weight_bold              constant t_font_weight          := 'bold';