27.2 Global Constants

The APEX_EXEC package uses the following constants.

subtype t_location     is varchar2(12);

c_location_local_db       constant t_location  := 'LOCAL';
c_location_remote_db      constant t_location  := 'REMOTE';
c_location_web_source     constant t_location  := 'WEB_SOURCE';

c_lov_shared              constant t_lov_type  := 1;
c_lov_sql_query           constant t_lov_type  := 2;
c_lov_static              constant t_lov_type  := 3;

subtype t_query_type is varchar2(23);

c_query_type_table           constant t_query_type := 'TABLE';
c_query_type_sql_query       constant t_query_type := 'SQL';
c_query_type_func_return_sql constant t_query_type := 'FUNC_BODY_RETURNING_SQL';

subtype t_dml_operation is pls_integer range 1..3;

c_dml_operation_insert constant t_dml_operation := 1;
c_dml_operation_update constant t_dml_operation := 2;
c_dml_operation_delete constant t_dml_operation := 3;

subtype t_target_type is varchar2(13);
c_target_type_region_source constant t_target_type := 'REGION_SOURCE';
c_target_type_table         constant t_target_type := 'TABLE';
c_target_type_sql_query     constant t_target_type := 'SQL';
c_target_type_plsql         constant t_target_type := 'PLSQL_CODE';

subtype t_post_processing is pls_integer range 1..3;
c_postprocess_where_orderby    constant t_post_processing := 1;
c_postprocess_sql              constant t_post_processing := 2;
c_postprocess_plsql_return_sql constant t_post_processing := 3;

Data Type Constants

Data type constants to be used in the ADD_FILTER or ADD_COLUMN procedures.

subtype t_data_type is pls_integer range 1..15;

c_data_type_varchar2      constant t_data_type := 1;
c_data_type_number        constant t_data_type := 2;
c_data_type_date          constant t_data_type := 3;
c_data_type_timestamp     constant t_data_type := 4;
c_data_type_timestamp_tz  constant t_data_type := 5;
c_data_type_timestamp_ltz constant t_data_type := 6;
c_data_type_interval_y2m  constant t_data_type := 7;
c_data_type_interval_d2s  constant t_data_type := 8;
c_data_type_blob          constant t_data_type := 9;
c_data_type_bfile         constant t_data_type := 10;
c_data_type_clob          constant t_data_type := 11;
c_data_type_rowid         constant t_data_type := 12;
c_data_type_user_defined  constant t_data_type := 13;
c_data_type_binary_number constant t_data_type := 14;
c_data_type_sdo_geometry  constant t_data_type := 15;
-- Data Type constant for columns of the "JSON" data type (Database 21c or higher) ONLY.
-- Has currently the same functionality as CLOB columns, but might be extended in the future.
c_data_type_json constant t_data_type := 11;

Filter Type Constants

Filter type constants to be used in the ADD_FILTER procedures.

c_filter_eq              constant t_filter_type := 1;
c_filter_not_eq          constant t_filter_type := 2;
c_filter_gt              constant t_filter_type := 3;
c_filter_gte             constant t_filter_type := 4;
c_filter_lt              constant t_filter_type := 5;
c_filter_lte             constant t_filter_type := 6;
c_filter_null            constant t_filter_type := 7;
c_filter_not_null        constant t_filter_type := 8;
c_filter_starts_with     constant t_filter_type := 9;
c_filter_not_starts_with constant t_filter_type := 10;
c_filter_ends_with       constant t_filter_type := 11;
c_filter_not_ends_with   constant t_filter_type := 12;
c_filter_contains        constant t_filter_type := 13;
c_filter_not_contains    constant t_filter_type := 14;
c_filter_in              constant t_filter_type := 15;
c_filter_not_in          constant t_filter_type := 16;
c_filter_between         constant t_filter_type := 17;
c_filter_not_between     constant t_filter_type := 18;
c_filter_regexp          constant t_filter_type := 19;
-- date filters: days/months/...
c_filter_last            constant t_filter_type := 20;
c_filter_not_last        constant t_filter_type := 21;
c_filter_next            constant t_filter_type := 22;
c_filter_not_next        constant t_filter_type := 23;

-- interactive reports
c_filter_like            constant t_filter_type := 24;
c_filter_not_like        constant t_filter_type := 25;
c_filter_search          constant t_filter_type := 26;
c_filter_sql_expression  constant t_filter_type := 27;
c_filter_between_lbe     constant t_filter_type := 29;
c_filter_between_ube     constant t_filter_type := 30;

-- Oracle TEXT CONTAINS filter
c_filter_oracletext      constant t_filter_type := 28;

-- Spatial filter
c_filter_sdo_filter      constant t_filter_type := 31;
c_filter_sdo_anyinteract constant t_filter_type := 32;

c_filter_expr_sep       constant varchar2(1) := '~';
c_filter_expr_value_sep constant varchar2(1) := chr(1);

-- interval types for date filters (last, not last, next, not next)
c_filter_int_type_year   constant t_filter_interval_type := 'Y';
c_filter_int_type_month  constant t_filter_interval_type := 'M';
c_filter_int_type_week   constant t_filter_interval_type := 'W';
c_filter_int_type_day    constant t_filter_interval_type := 'D';
c_filter_int_type_hour   constant t_filter_interval_type := 'H';
c_filter_int_type_minute constant t_filter_interval_type := 'MI';

-- Oracle Ubiquitous Search CONTAINS Filter
c_filter_dbms_search     constant t_filter_type := 33;

Order By Constants

Order by constants to be used in the ADD_FILTER procedures.

c_order_asc           constant t_order_direction := 1;
c_order_desc          constant t_order_direction := 2;

c_order_nulls_first   constant t_order_nulls := 1;
c_order_nulls_last    constant t_order_nulls := 2;

Order By Nulls Constants

Order By Nulls constants to use within REST Source Plug-Ins.

subtype t_supports_orderby_nulls_as is pls_integer range 1..5;

c_orderby_nulls_flexible        constant t_supports_orderby_nulls_as := 1;
c_orderby_nulls_are_lowest      constant t_supports_orderby_nulls_as := 2;
c_orderby_nulls_are_highest     constant t_supports_orderby_nulls_as := 3;
c_orderby_nulls_always_last     constant t_supports_orderby_nulls_as := 4;
c_orderby_nulls_always_first    constant t_supports_orderby_nulls_as := 5;

Empty Constants

Constants for empty filter, order by, columns or parameter arrays.

c_empty_columns         t_columns;
c_empty_filters         t_filters;
c_empty_order_bys       t_order_bys;
c_empty_parameters      t_parameters;

Database Vendor Constants

subtype t_database_type is pls_integer range 1..2;
c_database_oracle constant t_database_type := 1;
c_database_mysql  constant t_database_type := 2;

Aggregation Type Constants

subtype t_aggregation_type is pls_integer range 1..3;
c_aggregation_none constant     t_aggregation_type := 1;
c_aggregation_group_by constant t_aggregation_type := 2;
c_aggregation_distinct constant t_aggregation_type := 3;

Aggregation Column Role Constants

subtype t_column_role is pls_integer range 1..2;
c_column_role_aggregate constant t_column_role := 1;
c_column_role_group_by  constant t_column_role := 2; 

Aggregation Function Constants

subtype t_aggregate_function is pls_integer range 1..11;
c_aggregate_sum              constant t_aggregate_function := 1;
c_aggregate_avg              constant t_aggregate_function := 2;
c_aggregate_median           constant t_aggregate_function := 3;
c_aggregate_cnt              constant t_aggregate_function := 4;
c_aggregate_distinct_cnt     constant t_aggregate_function := 5;
c_aggregate_approx_dist_cnt  constant t_aggregate_function := 6;
c_aggregate_min              constant t_aggregate_function := 7;
c_aggregate_max              constant t_aggregate_function := 8;
c_aggregate_ratio_report_sum constant t_aggregate_function := 9;
c_aggregate_ratio_report_cnt constant t_aggregate_function := 10;
c_aggregate_listagg          constant t_aggregate_function := 11;

Aggregation Columns

type t_aggregation_column is record(
    attributes         t_column,
    aggr_role          t_column_role,
    aggr_function      t_aggregate_function,
    total_column_name  t_column_name,
    total_function     t_aggregate_function );

Collection of Aggregation Columns

type t_aggregation_columns is table of t_aggregation_column index by pls_integer;


type t_aggregation is record(
    aggregation_type        t_aggregation_type,
    column_info             t_aggregation_columns,
    order_bys               t_order_bys,
    order_by_expr           varchar2(32767),
    row_count_column        t_column_name );

c_empty_aggregation t_aggregation;