39.7 SEARCH Function

The SEARCH function searches the LDAP repository and returns an object table of (dn, name, val) that can be used in table queries.


    p_username             IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_pass                 IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_auth_base            IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_host                 IN VARCHAR2,
    p_use_ssl              IN NUMBER   DEFAULT 389,
    p_use_ssl              IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N',
    p_search_base          IN VARCHAR2,
    p_search_filter        IN VARCHAR2,
    p_scope                IN binary_integer DEFAULT
    p_timeout_sec          IN binary_integer DEFAULT 3,
    p_attribute_names      IN VARCHAR2,
    p_credential_static_id IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL )
    RETURN apex_t_ldap_attributes pipelined;


Table 39-7 Search Parameters

Parameter Descriptions
p_username Username to connect as (can be null for anonymous binds).
p_pass Password of p_username (can be null for anonymous binds).
p_auth_base Authentication base dn for p_username (can be null for anonymous binds).
p_host LDAP server hostname.
p_use_ssl LDAP server port (default 636).
p_use_ssl Y if a SSL connection is required (default N).
p_search_base dn base for the search.
p_search_filter LDAP search filter expression.
p_scope Search scope (default descends into sub-trees).
p_timeout_sec Timeout for the search (default 3 seconds).
p_attribute_names Comma-separated list of return attribute names.
p_credential_static_id The credential static ID (can be null for anonymous or username/pass binds). If it is not null and the credential could not be found, then raises the error no_data_found.

Example 1

SELECT val group_dns
  FROM table(apex_ldap.search (
           p_host            => 'ldap.example.com',
           p_port            => '636',
           p_use_ssl         => 'A',
           p_search_base     => 'dc=example,dc=com',
           p_search_filter   => 'uid='||apex_escape.ldap_search_filter(:APP_USER),
           p_attribute_names => 'memberof' ));

Example 2

SELECT dn, mail, dispname, phone
  FROM ( select dn, name, val
           from table(apex_ldap.search (
                          p_host            => 'ldap.example.com',
                          p_port            => '636',
                          p_use_ssl         => 'A',
                          p_search_base     => 'dc=example,dc=com',
                          p_search_filter   => '&(objectClass=person)(ou=Test)',
                          p_attribute_names => 'mail,displayname,telephonenumber' )))
  pivot (min(val) for name in ( 'mail'            mail,
                                'displayname'     dispname,
                                'telephonenumber' phone ))