60.1 Data Types

The APEX_ZIP package uses the following data types.


An easily accessible directory of all the files in the archive that is indexed by the full name of the file including its path.

type t_dir_entries is table of t_dir_entry index by VARCHAR2(32767);


A file in the archive with precomputed metadata.

type t_dir_entry is record (
    file_name           VARCHAR2(32767),
    uncompressed_length NUMBER,
    is_directory        BOOLEAN );
Attribute Description
file_name Name of the compressed file including the directory path.
uncompressed_length The size of the decompressed file in bytes.
is_directory TRUE if the entry represents a file system directory.



This data type is deprecated. It will be removed in a future release. Use t_dir_entries instead.

Collection of file names and paths.

type t_files is table of varchar2(32767) index by binary_integer;