34.8 CLONE_REPORT Function

This function clones a user-saved report and returns a new report ID.

You can clone into a Private or Public report, but you cannot clone into a default report.


    p_report_id       IN NUMBER,
    p_new_name        IN VARCHAR2,
    p_new_description IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_new_owner       IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT apex_application.g_user,
    p_new_is_public   IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT FALSE,
    p_replace_report  IN BOOLEAN  DEFAULT TRUE )


Parameter Description
p_report_id The source report ID to clone.
p_new_name The new report name.
p_new_description The new report description.
p_new_owner The case-sensitive new owner of the report. If not passed, current user is the owner.
p_new_is_public If new report is Public. If not passed, clones as Private report.
p_replace_report If TRUE (default), report will be replaced if exists. If FALSE, an error raises if a report with the same name and owner already exists.


The following example clones a report ID selected from a page item value. The report name and owner are overwritten by the parameter values, and the report is cloned as public report.

    l_new_report_id number;
    l_new_report_id := apex_ir.clone_report (
                           p_report_id        => :P1_REPORT_ID,
                           p_new_name         => 'New Cloned Report',
                           p_new_owner        => :APP_USER,
                           p_new_is_public    => true );