45.7 DEBUG_PAGE_ITEM Procedure Signature 2

This procedure writes the data of the page item meta data to the debug output if debugging is enabled.


    p_plugin              IN apex_plugin.t_plugin,
    p_page_item           IN apex_plugin.t_page_item,
    p_value               IN VARCHAR2,
    p_is_readonly         IN BOOLEAN,
    p_is_printer_friendly IN BOOLEAN );


Parameter Description
p_plugin This is the p_plugin parameter of your plug-in function.
p_page_item This is the p_page_item parameter of your plug-in function.
p_value This is the p_value parameter of your plug-in function.
p_is_readonly This is the p_is_readonly parameter of your plug-in function.
p_is_printer_friendly This is the p_is_printer_friendly parameter of your plug-in function.


This example shows how to collect helpful debug information during the plug-in development cycle to see what values are actually passed into the renderer, Ajax callback or validation function.

apex_plugin_util.debug_page_item (
    p_plugin         => p_plugin,
    p_page_item      => p_page_item, 
    p_value          => p_value,
    p_is_readonly    => p_is_readonly,
    p_is_printer_friendly => p_is_printer_friendly);